ULV Cold Fogger

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ULV Cold Fogger is a powerful liquid fogger that lets you spray your plants with a thin mist that improves the uptake of any sprayed product. This sprayer allows you to regulate water fogging between 10 and 150 microns, what asures a perfect fog in enviroment. With ULV Cold Fogger you can spray any nutrient or pesticide, getting better results, covering a large surface thanks its 5 liter tank.

¿What's the ULV Cold Fogger?

ULV Cold Fogger is a powerful electric fogger (1000w), with a 5 liter reservoir, what allows you to quickly and easy spray any liquid in your garden.The advantage of using a fogger instead of a common sprayer is the capacity of microdifusion the fogger has, what actually help liquid particles to be much smaller, therefore improving the uptake and efficiency of any product sprayed.

Benefits of using a fogger sprayer for liquids

Thanks to the great diffusion capacity of this fogger, it is suitable for foliar spraying nutrients or any product against pests, being possible to adjust the size of the diffusion between 10 microns and 150 microns.

The ULV Cold Fogger is also a professional tool to disinfect the growing area between one growing cycle and the next, as it arrives to corners where other sprayers don't.

This electric fogger uses a 10 meter cable, and a strap to hold it on your shoulder, besides a hose to better direct the spraying flux. Its long cable plus the spraying capacity of 3-8 meters distance, guarantees the product will reach almost everywhere you need, and also will have an increased persistance in plants.

The fact of using a fogger instead a manual sprayer improves the effectivity of any product sprayed.

ULV Cold Fogger is a product recommended for medium to large gardens but also for those gardens with high plant density, where it is required the maximum efficiency to combat pests, and to foliar spray nutrients.

Advantages of an electric fogger to spray nutrients

The foliar application of nutrients and boosters is a common resourcem specially during rooting and growing stage of cuttings and seedlings. The main advantage of using a fogger instead of a common sprayer is a much smaller size of the drop arriving to leaves. A high quality fogger gets a size of microns, what is way smaller than a drop, what improves the uptake capacity, and also the efficiency of what's fogged.

Another key factor is micro difusion lows down the possibilities of causing leaf-burns due the persistency of product in leaf, as these dry out way quickerm avoiding any accumulation in a certain spot.

Improve the efficiency of a sprayer to remover pests

If spraying nutrients is a widely used resource by many growers, pests appearance (unfortunately) happens so much often. With the pest appearance grower is forced to use phytosanitary products (insecticides, acaricides, fungicides...) that in general must be sprayed in garden to control and remove the pest.

In these cases, fogging a solution containing phytosanitary products improves the efficiency  of the product, so it lows down the risk of spread of the pest. Thanks to its higher diffusion, the product can reach corners of the garden, or those more hidden plants, what also helps improving the application and increasing the possibilities of getting rid of the pest.

¿How to use the electric cold fogger? User guide and cleaning

If you still have doubts about how does the ULV Cold Fogger work do not worry, it is very simple to use, and here we will explain everything you need to know to get maximum performance from it.

First you should know is ULV Cold Fogger is an electric fogger, so it works plugged within a 10 meter length cable.

It has a 5 liter reservoir you can fully fill or just partially with the amount of solution you need to spray your plants. Our advise is to always prepare more solution than what you need for two reasons:

The first reason is because as it happens with all pumps, if air comes in the circuit the engine could fail. The second is because it is better to throw away a remaining than preparing a solution twice.

Our tip is to prepare the solution you will fog in a tank and then fill the reservoir, so you get sure the product is perfectly dilluted in water.

Once the fogger is loaded with the solution it is time to put the strap on your shoulder and proceed to switch on the fogger within the button on the machine.

Once working, you can adjust the difusion grade of the fog just turning a simple knob, placed at the end of the hose. This knob will give you the option of choosing between more preassure (less difused) and less preassure (more fogged).

After using this fogger, before storing it in a shelf, it is important to clean the tank and fogging system completely, to prevent against any remainings that could alter future solutions used. Our best tip to keep this fogger as new is to fill the tank with a solution of water and H2O2, let it sit for 15-30 minutes and after that switch the machine on so all the solution passes throgh the whole circuit.

ULV Cold Fogger electric sprayer characteristics

Type: Liquid fogger.

Power: 1000w.

Difusion grade: 10 microns up to 150 microns.

Cable length: 10 meters.

Fogging distance: From 3 to 8 meters.

Reservoir: 5 liters.

Final reviews of ULV Cold Fogger and price

If you got sick of braking your wrist every time you have to use your manual sprayer, this will be your best gift, trust us. The ULV Cold Fogger has everything to make your life easier.

The 5 liter reservoir seems a good compromise between too big and heavy and too small (what forces you to prepare many solutions to spray your garden).

Referring the product fogging, we feel like the good idea of the knob to regulate the fogging difusion, as it lets growers adapt the use to each type of application.

Maybe the only negative point is the cable that "only" has 10 meter length. It's true that in most of the cases this won't be a problem, as growrooms usually have many sockets to plug it, but in some cases this can force the use of an extender to arrive to all corners.

Obviously the price of this tool is not like a manual sprayer, but at the same time this electric fogger is giving you comfort, efficiency, performance, besides many other benefits. We understand this is not for small growtent growers, but if you have enough budget, we promise you won't be disapointed with this purchase.

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