TriPart Micro
The concept of a 3 parts nutrient, and Tripart-series, were created for Terra Aquatica (General Hydroponics) by Dr. Cal Herrmann, formerly senior chemist at NASA, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Davis in California. Dr. Herrmann is, today, a partner at GHE and still conducts research.
Flora is a dynamic, evolving formula, constantly updated, and adapted to the latest scientific discoveries. Simply, it allows you to match the needs of your plant through its different stages by changing the ratios between the liquids, as well as their concentration.
Flora-series consists in 3 components:
Tripart Grow promotes a lush structural and foliar growth.
Tripart Bloom : During growth it increases root formation and health. During flowering and fruiting it enables the plant to fulfil its genetic potential to the maximum.
Of special importance for water culture growers, Tripart Grow and Tripart Bloom both contain silicate (in form of silicic acid) to complete the diet and strengthen the structure of your plants
Tripart FloraMicroprovides the plant with all the necessary micro-elements, in a chelated form. It includes also sub micro-elements, and organic buffers which help to stabilise the solution’s pH. FloraMicro complements Tripart Grow and Tripart Bloom in secondary and major nutrients.
Between those three products there exists a synergy which creates the magic of the system.
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