Terra Vega Canna

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Terra Vega Canna-1l
Terra Vega Canna-5l
Terra Vega Canna-10l

If anything characterizes Canna Nutrients, it is the development of high quality fertilizers, fertilizers and stimulators in the right measure. In the case of Terra Vega, with a first-class nutritional formula, it ensures the plants a healthy and energetic vegetative growth phase.

Preparing the plants for a good flowering phase

It is important that cannabis plants develop as well as possible in the growth phase.  With Terra Vega you will get that in the growth phase of the plant it develops a great branching, allowing then a flowering period with a great production of flowers.  By using Terra Vega, the plant will reach a large size, healthy and ready to invest all its energy in the development of multiple buds.

The Terra Vega formula is made up of nutrients that adapt to all types of drip irrigation systems (it does not clog or erode the pipes).

How to use

  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • Fill the nutrition tank with water.
  • Dissolve 500 ml of the concentrate in 100 liters of water (1:200).
  • CANNA Terra Vega EC dissolved in water (tap) will then be between 0.9 and 1.6 mS (= EC of concentrate + EC of water).
  • Recommended pH value: 5.8 - 6.2.
  • In intensive crops, periodically feed the plants with this solution.
  • In poor soils, add daily.  In rich soils: add 1 to 3 times a week to irrigation water.
  • Grow in well-aerated, lime-rich soils, such as CANNA Terra Professional (Plus) and water daily as needed.
  • Store closed in a dark, frost-free place.  UV light breaks down the chelates present in the nutrients.

Once the growth phase is over, the Terra Flores de Canna fertilizer is available for the flowering period.

Bio Vega Organic version of Biocanna available

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