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Tech-Fort is a natural insecticide formuled from pelitre dried flowers. Tech Fort is a biological insecticide that substitutes the old Expelex, to treat against insects, ants, and aphids in plants. The use of Tech Fort in marijuana gardens, helps to prevent, control and kill insects pests in growth, with a recommended security term before harvest of 3 days.

Tech-Fort is an insecticide formuled from crisantem flowers, to prevent against insects, ants and aphids in marijuana plants.

The Tech-Fort biological insecticide should be applied in foliar spray, assuring to cover the leaves' bottom, because it works by contact. Once applied, it is recommended to re-apply it once every 5-7 days as prevention.

Trabe TechFort is sold in 30 ml packages, and should be stored in a fresh and dry place.

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