
System Clean

Grouped product items
Product NameQty
System Clean-1l
Special Price €20.80 Regular Price €26.00
System Clean-5l
Special Price €96.00 Regular Price €120.00
Aptus System Clean is an additive to prevent obstruction, and eliminating residues, in watering systems. System-Clean is specifically formuled to prevent microbiological sediments to obstruct growth watering systems. The use of System Clean APtus helps improving developement of plants and also improves root system life SystemClean is a highly concentrated product, so it is used in low dosages..

Aptus System Clean is so usefull preventing and eliminating fertilizing wastes in watering systems. The continuous use of fertilizers, specially if are organic, could leave microbiological residues in the system, what could negatively interact  with plants, in addition to being able to generate an obstruction of the system.

The correct working of a watering system helps stimulating grow and developement of plants, specially of its root system. The sediments formed inside the watering systems use oxygen from the nutrient solution, so all nutrients are more difficult to uptake by plants. All those nutrients that plant is not absorbing start to acumulate in the growing medium and could cause a problem in a medium-long time.

SystemClean by Aptus is specially important it organic fertilizers are used, or activators like Startbooster, and Topbooster.

Aptus System-Clean is highly concentrated, what makes of it a very cheap product. 1 liter of System Clean can be enough to prepare up to 4000 liters of nutrient solution.

Advantages of using System-Clean:

  • Prevents against obstruction on watering syste,s.
  • Eliminates residues from watering systems.
  • Is not harmful for plants.
  • Adds oxygen to root system.
  • Highly concentrated.

SystemClean composition:

Aptus System Clean is a balanced and activated hydrogen peroxide patented formula. The System-Clean formula is 100 times more powerful that usual hydrogen peroxide, what converts it in a wide action product to keep watering systems free from residues.

Aptus System Clean application:

Add System-Clean to nutrient's tank just before every watering, once adjusted the pH value. Once mixed in nutrient solution, System Clean will last for a maximum of 3 days.

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