Soil Booster

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Soil Booster-100ml
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Soil Booster-5L

B'cuzz Soil Booster is a stimulator specifically developed to enhance growth of cannabis plants grown in soil. Atami Soil Booster acts in a positive way in micro organisms and benficial bacteria, what derives in a healthier and more vigorous growth.

Atami, grouped in its B'cuzz line of products, offers this Soil Booster, a stimulator in charge of creating a positive influence in life in susbtrate, what derives in healthier plants, an improved root system. Soil Booster contains beneficial bacteria, that interact with substrate and plants, helping them create a better enviroment, positive for the growing medium and also for plants grown in it. These bacteria colonize the root area, improving both the growing stage and the blooming stage.

In addition, Universal Soil Booster brings in micro nutrients, what helps plants uptake all needed elements for its maximum developement, increasing the nutrient uptake. The presence of enzyms contributes forming new roots, and easing the sugar production.

Soil Booster contains essential micro nutrients in chelated form, what helps making the product quickly available for plant uptake, besides preventing the appearance of any defficiency during vegetative stage of plants.

When we add Soil Booster to our growing schedule, we can expect an increase of yields and weight of flowers, increasing density of root system, a much bigger plant, and larger crops.

B'cuzz Soil Booster

Type: Beneficial bacteria and micro nutrients.

For: Vegetative stage and 2 first weeks of flowering stage.

Use: Add to your growing schedule during growing stage and early flowering stage.

Dose: Grow: 0,5-1 ml/L. Bloom: 0,1-0,5 ml/L.

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