Silica Power
BAC Silica Power is a silicon product that improve plamnt's resistance, at the same time it prevents against stress situations and improves essencial elements sharing like Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium. Silica Power B.A.C. increases resitance against extreme heat and cold, prevents against growing-medium toxicity, and also against harmful fungi in it, besides having a pH balancer effect in substrate and nutrient solution.
Silica Power by B.A.C. is a product that contains silicon, an element found in earth's crust, uptake in silicium acid form. As we explained in a post of our cannabis blog, the benefits of silicon use in gardens are many, as it improves natural resitance of plants to external attacks, increasing density of cell's walls, at the same time it increases the phosphorus uptake up to 40-60%, what derives in healthier plants, stronger, that deliver higher yields.
Silica Power improves resitance of plants to adversal conditions of temperature (extreme heat or cold), drough, salinity and mineral toxicity. In addition Silica Power acts a shield against fungal infections, and as preventive against parasites and pathogen attacks.
Thanks to the use of BAC Silica Power, plants get an increased Calcium and Magnesium moving possibilities, avoiding nutrient blocking. At the same time, it actually helps balancing the pH of growing medium (specially in hydroponic systems where there is a total lack of silicon).
Silica Power can be applied directly in substrate (spreading arround the plant's trunk) or in irrigation, getting great results in both cases. In cases where grower pretends to recycle the substre, we recommend you to add Silica Power to each irrigation, as it helps preventing against harmful fungal infections.
Silica Power puede aplicarse directamente en el sustrato (espolvoreándolo alrededor del tallo), o en el riego, logrando grandes resultados en ambos casos. En casos dónde el cultivador reutilice el sustrato, recomendamos añadir Silica Power al riego, ya que ayuda a prevenir la contaminación por hongos dañinos.
BAC Silica Power
Type: Silicon additive.
Origin: Organic.
Use: Increase resistance of plants, and nutrient uptake. Helps regulating pH of growing-medium. prevents against harmful root fungi. For all stages of growth.
Dose: 1-3 ml/10L.
Atention: Always add Silica Power first, before other fertilizers and boosters.
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