
Silic Rock

Grouped product items
Product NameQty
Silic Rock-250ml
Special Price €6.12 Regular Price €7.20
Silic Rock-500ml
Special Price €9.14 Regular Price €10.75
Silic Rock-1L
Special Price €14.03 Regular Price €16.50

Plagron Silic Rock is a grow and bloom enhancer formuled with silicon. This compound plays a key role for a proper nutrient uptake by plants. Silic Rock increases the thickness of cell walls, what besides other benefits makes plants more resitant against insects drought and stress.

¿What's in Silic Rock?

Plagron Silic Rock is a fertilizer formuled with silicium, that takes care of solving and removing any lack of this element in plants. Silicon and silicates are responsible of proper nutrient uptake, so it is an essential element for a vigorous growth and abondant bloom.

Silic Rock acts at cell level, increasing cell walls thickness, what not only improves resistance of them but also increases strength of plants, reducing stress in plant and also helps managing better drought seasons.

Advantages and benefits of using Plagron Silic Rock

Silicon is an element that plays a role in multiple processes of growth. In-between different advatages of adding silicon to your nutrient solution we have:

  • Improves Phosphorus, Calcium and micron essential nutrients uptake.
  • Increases the thickness of cell wall, improving the overall stregth of plants.
  • Better resistance and manage of drought seasons, and to high salty index.
  • Improves nutrient's use efficiency.
  • Reduces levels of stress in plant, no matter if caused by extreme hot or cold, transplants...
  • Prevents and removes any pathogen mold appearance that may harm root system.
  • Increases stem thickness, making them bigger and more resistant.

Dose and how to use Plagron Silic Rock

Add a maximum of 1 ml of Silic Rock per liter of nutrient solution during all stages of growth (vegetative stage and bloom stage).

*Remember you must add the needed dose of Silic Rock to water before adding any other nutrient or booster.

Silic Rock is suitable for all growing mediums: Soil, coco, hidro and aeroponics.

Characteristics and composition of Silic Rock fertilizer

Type: Silicon additive.

For: Enhace growth and bloom of plants, improve stem thickness, nutrient uptake, tolerance to drought and extreme cold, better managing high concentration of salts and improve resistance to pests.

Use: Every time you water your plants along plant's growth cycle (grow and bloom). It must be added to water in a maximum dose of 1 ml/L and added prior to any other fertilizer or stimulator.

Dose: 0,5-1 ml/L.

Fertilizer NPK: 1,5 - 0 - 1,7

Content in SiO2: 1%.

Lack of Si and tips to use silicon in plants

Silicon (Si) is one of the non-essential minerals for plants growth. Although is very common that the lack of this element contributes to a bad absortion and uptake of other elements like coppert, manganese and iron.

One of the ways a lack of Silicon can be noticed is the absence of thickness in plants, specially visible if stems that are seen weak and with lack of strength that helps them to hold themselves.

If you plan to grow in hydroponics we advise that the use of products like Silic Rock is a must. The main reason is because growing in hydroponics one of the main problems that exist is the absence of growing medium where the roots can grab to. In addition, adding Si to nutrient solution helps controlling the pH variations in water tank, acting as ph balancer of nutrient solution.

Another very important tip is adding Silic Rock to water first, before adding any other nutrient or booster. For this product to blend properly without interacting with others, it is a must to add it first, stir the water well and then add other nutrients.

An important detail of you will add Silic Rock to your nutrient solution is to control EC levels with a digital meter. The main reason for this tip is that adding Silic Rock, your plants will make a better use of fertilizers and boosters you are sourcing them, what will force you to increase/decrease EC to adapt it to the new situation and plant's demands.

Plagron Silic Rock final reviews and price

When we expose our review about a new product the first we do is to compare it with other existing products in market with the same function. At results level, we noticed this product works as expected, improving plant's thickness and taking plants to higher perfomance levels easy to notice in both vegetative stage and flowering stage.

Said this, we do recommend you to add Silic Rock to water, as you will see benefits in your plants and crop. This product disolves so quick in water, and modiffies low to none pH of nutrient solution, and is quite concentrated, what means that all growers can add it to their gardens.

Specially when talking about concentration of the product and its price when we notice that this is an average market price (slightly cheaper than their competitors). Although Silic Rock is a product 10 times less concentrated than its competitors (maximum dose of Silic Rock is 1 ml/l when the maximum dose of its competitors is 1ml/10L, it is also true that the price is 10 times lower compared with them so everything stays equal when reduced to cost per liter of nutrient solution prepared.

Said this we see a positive detail: Being a more dilluted product, sold for a cheaper price, it is easier and cheaper to test it and see in your own garden if it's worth the price or not.

On the other hand, if your garden is large scale, and the nutrient solution consumption is high, the main problem derived from low concentration will be to move many liters of products to prepare your NS (10L of this product can prepare the same amount of nutient solution liters that 1L of their competitors product).

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