Raw 500

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Unbleached paper. It does not take chlorine. 500 Raw 1 1/4 papers each unit.

Raw 500 rolling paper packs, include 500 papers measure 1 1/4 Raw.

Now you can see first hand why RAW is the role of smoking less processed the planet and from which came the revolutionary idea of a cigarette paper without chemical additives liar, 100% free of chlorine which is normally used during the manufacturing process cigarette paper any day now.

RAW provides a whole new point of view, even for the most experienced and accustomed to the role of current smoking lifelong smoker. When testing this new concept of rolling papers, most people recognize that RAW does not confuse the scents or alter the taste of the content that is smoked.

Also during the manufacturing process has been tried at all times respect the philosophy of sustainability that led to the creation cigarette paper RAW, therefore is made from 100% organic natural fibers and using renewable energy during production. Our packages are also made with cardboard and recycled paper and organic hemp plastic, since we know that there are now countless reusable resources that preserve the environment in which we live.

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