Rainbow Runtz

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We like to welcome Rainbow Runtz seeds by Growers Choice. This indica-sativa hybrid born from a crossing Rainbow Candy x Gelato 41 has been added to the strain-catalogue of this seedbank due the users' high demand asking for a strain with Runtz genetics. Rainbow Runtz has a flowering period of 9 weeks, sourcing growers with high yields of flowers with a candy, sweet and fruity aroma.

Genetics of Rainbow Runtz strain

Rainbow Runtz represents Growers Choice's version of what a Runtz genetics is.

To get this breeding project done they crossed Rainbow Candy (Zkittlez x Dosidos x Zkittlez) x Gelato 41, coming out in indica-sativa hybrid with a 9 weeks flowering period, becoming a perfect combination grouping yields, taste and flavor.

Rainbow Runtz feminized seeds

Rainbow Runtz seeds by Growers Choice only produce female plants, what saves you space, effords taking care of plants that might become male, and budget spent in nutrients and growing medium.

These are plants with a mostly indica structure, with medium vertical and horizontal growth, and good side-branching. Plants form a good main cola, surrounded by many secondary good-sized and dense nugs.

Indoors, Rainbow Runtz will develope average height, with plants that usually don't grow taller than 120cm.

Outdoors, when she is grown in-ground, it is not rare you get plants taller than 2 meter height, being possible to reach up to 3 meters when substrate and nutrients a good enough.

Rainbow Runtz by Growers Choice in vegetative stage

From the same moment first cotiledons appear, Rainbow Runtz will demonstrate a quick and vigorous growth. Plants need just few weeks of growth to get enough size to transplant or to flip them to bloom stage (indoors), while outdoors it can become really big if you grow them in-ground, as they will keep growing until late July.

Indoors, Rainbow Runtz develope medium-sized plants, with good side-branching a short-medium internodal space, what makes her a good choice for both SOG and SCROG gardens.

Outdoors, if you don't want her to be seen from far away, it is recommended to do some prunings along vegetative stage to enhance horizontal growth before starting to flower.

This strain is not negatively affected by prunings, so you can be confident as it quickly grows new shots, recovering its developement speed in few days. This type of structure more bushy will help not obly prevent against mold appearance in flowers, it also helps prevent any brakes due hard winds or rains.

Flowering Rainbow Runtz indoors and outdoors

Indoors, Rainbow Runtz begin to flower about 7 days after changing photoperiod to 12/12. During these 7 days plants will almost double its size, enlarging its internodal space with the typical stretch common in kush genetics.

Once these first days of transition to the new photoperiod have passed, plants will start forming its first flowers, filling each one of the branches with large, dense resin coated buds.

If you let her grow naturally (without prunings), Rainbow Runtx will produce a huge main cola, surrounded by dense good-sized secondaries. Although, we advise you to prune her along vegetative stage, what will help slightly increase yields, and save some troubles due mold in those bigger buds.

Thanks to its quick flowering period this strain will be ready to harvest in 9 weeks to 12/12.

Outdoors Rainbow Runtz plants will stay in vegetative phase until late July, to start flowring in mid. August. Arrived to mid. September it would be convenient to start flushing plants, as Rainbow Runtz will be ready to harvest in early October.

Is specially outdoors where pruning tops during grow phase will turn into major benefits. Those plants that have been pruned improve the light exposure, and reduce the mold attack possibilities, besides brakes due wind or hard rain.

In both cases, inside and outside,  we aim you to remove bottom branches once plants show the begining of bloom stage (never before). These type of prunings improves efficiency in the use of resources, what derives in higher yields and better final quality.

Yields of Rainbow Runtz cannabis plants

The flower production of Rainbow Runtz is high, in addition it gets it in not many flowering weeks so this is a really good choice for those looking for a comercial strain that guarantees results and quality as quick as possible.

Rainbow Runtz is a strain easy to grow, so getting good yields should not be a problem even for less experienced growers. Maybe the only difficulty is its nutrient tolerance, as she can uptake large amounts of nutrients, but only when she needs them, not before so, it is not convenient to push her to the limit with fertilizers.

This genetics does good in warm and cold climates, with some individuals turning to pink and purple colors at late flowering stage. If this is the case of any of your plants, you will enjoy looking your plants to rippen, with beautiful plants overstanding in any garden.

Another factor that helps getting high yields, specially outdoors, is its high resistance against mold, that allows you to harvest her without losses nor having to throw away part of the crop due to gray mold.

Taste and flavor of Rainbow Runtz marijuana

In this chapter we will step forward to the most appreciated characteristics of this genetics: taste and flavor. These are two genetics that by separate were spectacular, and once combined are even better.

Rainbow Runtz sources you with an oasis of tepernes knocking your sense  with endless spectacular taste and flavors you never experienced before. The aroma of Rainbow Runtz reminds candies, fruits and icecream, everything mixed in a balanced and exquisite way.

If you value taste and aroma over any other variable, do not hesitate to grow Rainbow Runtz with organic fertilizers like worm castings and bat guano. The intensity of taste and aroma you'll get is impossible to reach with mineral liquid fertilizers.

Effect of Rainbow Runtz weed

A hybrid that contains Gelato #41, Dosidos and Zkittlez in its parentals, should result you interesting for its strong relaxing effect. If in addition you add THC levels of 30%, it is crystal clear that this strain is perfect for those looking to relax after a long busy day, to help sleeping and forget about daily problems. This is a medium strong body buzz, longlasting leaving a wellness feeling.

Tips to grow Rainbow Runtz strain

As we already explained, looking for the best possible yields our advise is to grow Rainbow Runtz in SCROG. Known its structure, a good compromise to cover the growing are quickly is to use 4 plants in 20 liter pots (5 Gal). This way grower won't need to enlarge much the growing stage to fill the trellis completelly.

Another tip we can give you is to remove all those bottom branches (this tip is valid for indoor and outdoor growing). If you will grow her in SCROF it is a must that you clean those bottoms once plants have started to floweering (branches that will never get touched by light). Removing those legs plant will have more resources available to use them in the tops, where will be used more efficiently, turning into bigger and denser flowers.

Outdoors, another good way of avoiding problems is to prune plants along vegetative stage. This boosts side growth, and more tops, so instead of one main big bud you will get smaller flowers, bud significantly big and with much less possibilities of being attacked by mold.

Rainbow Runtz is a plant that does good under many different advanced growing techniques like mainlining, supercropping, Low Stress training... In addition to being boosted by transplants, and the use of fungi and beneficial bacterial.

As a final tip, we have noticed a notorious difference when plants are grown within organic nutes. In our case the final yields were the same and we benefit from a healthier organic crop with a much more louder smell and also intense taste.

Characteristics of Rainbow Runtz seeds

Sex: Feminized.

Genotype: 50% indica - 50% sativa.

Genetics: Rainbow Candy x Gelato 41.

Flowering period: 9 weeks.

Harvest: Early October.

Yields: 650 g/m2 - 1 kg/plant.

Taste: Sweet.

Aroma: Candy, fruits adn icecream.

Effect: Relaxing.

THC: 30%.

CBD: Medium.

Rainbow Runtz final reviews and price

The first we want to highlight as a review is that this genetics has seemed amazingly good to us. In our opinion it has everything to become a top seller: Yields, taste and aroma.

If besides these three main characteristics you add that it reacts to temperature decrease during last stages of bloom turning a pink and purple reflex, you will fall in love with her just looking how she rippens overstanding to any other classic green strain.

If talking about growing, this is a very easy to grow plant, so you can really get good results, and in a quite short period of time, so you don't have to worry too much. In addition if you grow her within organic powder nutrients, the attention you need to give is low to none, as you almost only have to water them, and the quality of the final product will be brutal (we rarely use this word but trust us it will).

About its price, the same way it happens with othe rstrains from this seedbank, prices of Growers Choice genetics are so cheap, compared with the average competitors' price. This fact itself does not mean a lot, but if besides a cheap price you get superior quality strains, we can talk about a bargain.

If in addition to these prices you benefit from the limited offer 5+2 (in which every 5-seed pack includes 2 extra seeds for free), the final price per seed is one of the cheapest in market. If you budget is higher do not skip trying this strain, but if your budget is low... We almost consider growing this genetics is a must.

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