PS Timer Box
The PS Timer box is a light photoperiod controller for 24 hour cycles. PS timers can be set up by 15 min On/Off periods, and a maximum capacity of 4x600w or 8x600w equipments depending on model. These timers also offer an aux socket to plug a heater, up to 2500w, if needed.
PS Timer boxes are insulated boxes prepared for a maximum load of 4 or 8 600w equipments + auxiliar socket for a heater. This aux socket is set to switch on when lights are shut down automatically (instant where temperatures may decrease).
PS Timer Box is a plug & play tool to connect easily, quickly and safety your lights. The 4x600w Timer Box has a pre-wired plug while the 8x600w Timer Box comes with 2 pre-wired plugs.
Thanks to its timeclock, these PS programmers can control grow-rooms where all the lights work together.
PS timer box characteristics
PS 4x600w: Maximum power 2500w + heater 2500w.
PS 8x600w: Maximum power 2x2500w + heater 2500w.
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