Plugins GWS PRO 112
This plugin tray with 112 sockets is perfect for cuttings. Plugins GWS PRO contain a blenz of fertilizing organic matter and root hormone so your cuttings get to root quicker and healthier. These plugins reduce the rooting process, and also the stress produced during rooting period.
¿What are Plugins made for?
Plugins are a blend of susbstrate and organic matter suitable to be used as growing medium for cuttings and clones. These plugins come hydrated and are a perfect medium for your plants to get roots faster and stronger.
Advantages of Plugins GWS PRO
Plugins GWS PRO 112 sockets are ideal to root your own cuttings in a record time and in a reduced space. Thanks to the size of this tray, every Plugin GWS PRO 112 fits perfectly in Garland greenhouses also in ECO plastic greenhouses.
The main advatage of Plugins GWS PRO compared with other substrates for cuttings is the composition of this growing medium, that contains a balanced mix of organic matter and rooting hormones, what shortens notoriously the rooting process and the stress suffered by clones during this rooting period. This turns into healthier plants, that will develope quicker in the new growing medium, getting larger crops in less time.
Another advantage of plugins is the density of the substrate. Being a spongy and soft substrate, no only the cutting keeps a perfect humidity, it is also perfect once the first roots appear, as it favors the root expanse.
If you pretend to get best results we aim you to use a rooting gel like Lieutenant Roots, and mini greenhouse (to keep RH high).
Plugin 112 socket tray
Size: 40x30 cm.
Plugins: 112.
Benefits: Get healthier cuttings that root quicker.
How to use Plugin GSW PRO
The process to use Plugins is easy: You only need to remove the plastic that keeps the humidity of the plugin tray and nail one cutting in each plugin. Once all clones are placed, it is recommended to place the tray in a greenhouse to keep high humidity during the rooting period.
After few days it is possible to realize the plugin becomes dry. In that case you should rehydrate them so the rooting process can follow up its way.
Plugin GSW PRO reviews for clones
Producing your own cuttings is a really easy task, that only needs some practice to get your clones to root fast. Comparing the different growing mediums mostly used for rooting clones, plugins have the best from each substrate. In one hand the composition is very soil and coco likely. In the other hand the sponginess and densisty give it the best of other mediums like rockwhool, so we feel this is the best system to root cuttings.
Another point for plugins, specially when compared with jiffy is the structure of plugins does not break down, making so much easy and overall clean the rooting process. In addition regarding this better general structure the roots get to colonize the medium easier and quicker.
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