Ph BioGreen

Grouped product items
Product Name
Ph BioGreen-Ph+ 1l
Ph BioGreen-Ph- Grow 1l
Ph BioGreen-Ph- Grow 5l
Ph BioGreen-Ph- Bloom 1l
Ph BioGreen-Ph- Bloom 5l
BioGreen pH correctors are used to moddify pH of the nutrient solution. With BioGreen Ph+ you can rise the pH of the water, while with BioGreen pH- you will decrease the pH of the water solution. Biogreen offers two different products to low the pH value (depending on the stage of the cycle the plants are): Ph- Grow and Ph- Bloom.

Cannabis plants have a maximum development when the pH of the water solutionis set between 5,8 and 6,2 (depending on the growing media used).

During the vegetative stage, it is recommended a pH value between 5,8 and 6,0, while in flowering stage it is recommended a pH value between 6,0 and 6,2.

BioGreen Ph+ allows growers to rise the pH value of nutrient solutionin cases where it is too low (contains potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate)

BioGreen Ph- Grow works good to low the pH value of nutrient solution in plants during the growing stage (contains 36% of nitric acid).

BioGreen PH- Bloom works good to low the pH value of nutrient solution in plants during the flowering stage (contains 59% of phosphoric acid).

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