Nutrihemp Trabe
Trabe Nutrihemp is a 100% organic fertilizer for plants in powdery form. Nutrihemp can be used added over the substrate, or mixed with it. In both cases Nutrihemp will bring plants a direct source of nutrients needed for a healthy growth and developement. Nutrihemp is a 100% biological nutrient that will source your plants with everything needed for a vigorous vegetative stage.
Nutrihemp is a biological product that is suitable for growing hemp null given their toxicity and their total biodegradability. It is derived from seaweed. The nutrients in the substrate and promotes microbial growth in the root. On the other hand promotes water retention by the substrate. Power substrate buffer effect preventing the accumulation of salts in it. This encourages the development of plants and extends the life of the substrate used.
App: For potting mix evenly the contents of the container to the volume of substrate in a 350 liter vessel and then planted. For soil cultivation provide 50 grams per plant and spread by the influence witha root, the first application to the month of cultivation and the second after three months of cultivation, watering the ground beforehand and then abundantly provide the product, watering again but only with half water previously applied.
Caution: None.
Extracts alginic
Phytohormones cytokinin and
N: 7%
P2O5: 4%
K2O: 6%
MgO: 2%
Vits: A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, K.
1kg content
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