Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei
Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei by Neudorff is a biological larvicide for mosquito larvae control, in barrels, tanks, lakes and other water reservoirs. Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei is formuled in pills that easily dissolve in water, containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. An application of Neudorff Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei works up to 4 weeks once applied.
Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei is abiological larvicide specially formuled to combat mosquito larvae. The application of Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei cuts the evolution process of mosquito pests, reducing them to the minimum expression.
Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei also works against Asian Tiger mosquito, not being harmful for wild animals, nor benefical insects.
Every box of Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei contains 10 tablets that dissolve in water que se disuelven en agua. Every tablet should be dissolved in 1000 liters of water, being possible to use fractions of it in case of using less water.
Once applied Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei in our garden, benefits last up to 4 weeks, along those we will see how the pest population will decrease notoriously until disappearing.
Neudorff Neudomück Stechmücken-Frei
Type: Biological larvicide.
Format: tablets.
Box: 10 pills.
For: 10.000 liters (1000 litros/tablet)
Application: Dissolve 1 tablet into 1000 liters of reverse osmosis water and apply it in following irrigations.
Storing: Fresh and dry place.
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