Mota Khan Afghana
Mota Khan Afghana seeds by Elite Seeds produce female plants, type indica, with a great sweet taste in mouth. Mota Khan Afghana marijuana comes from a Mazar-i Sharfi, of sweet and spicy tones, with some liquor undertones. The smoke of this strain is dense, and reminds a lot to first quality hash from this area. Mota Khan Afghana cannabis plant will flower quickly, with big and wide leaves, creating a relaxing buzz to toker.
Afghani plants are a unique example of an indica, with its wide leaves, bushy and woody structure, and short internodal space. These strains have been used during decades for hash production, and also to get one of the sweetes marijuana strains in market.
Mota Khan Afghana is an easy to grow plant, ideal for all type of growers, indoors and outdoors, for its quick flowering itme, good crops, and unbeatable quality.
This afghani origin strain, from the Mazar-i Sharif area, overstands by its taste in mouth, leaving a trace after combustion unmistakable, white, dense and weighty.
Mota Khan Afghana effect is relaxing, bringing you wellness, and improving sensibility for music and digression.
Mota Khan Afghana characteristics
Sex: Feminized.
Genotype: Indica.
Genetics: Mazar-i Sharif
Flowering time: 8 weeks.
Harvest outdoors: Late September.
Yield: High.
Taste: Sweet.
Effect: Relaxing.
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