Tekken Pro DE
Tekken Pro DE reflector offers one of the best reflectivity in market (up to 98%) with a covering area up to 1,5 x 1,5 meters, optimal for any fixture within Double Ended lamp. Tekken Pro is manufactured within the purest and most reflectant aluminium, what gives these reflectors best performance in market. It can be used with fixtures up to 1000w, no matter if HPS, CMH or MH.
¿What's Lumatek Tekken PRO DE?
Tekken Pro DE by Lumatek is by far one of the best hoods for double ended lamps available in market. Tekken PRO DE is available in different reflectivities (both with top end quality), helping increase final yields, being more efficient with light use, and sourcing increased spreading and reflectivity.
Tekken PRO is a professional reflector, thought to be used with any Double Ended lamp (no matter if HPS, CMH or Metal Halide).
Size and coverage of Lumatek Tekken PRO reflector
Tekken Pro is thought to be installed horizontal, with a total size of reflector of 61,5 x 61,5 x 22 cm.
Thanks to its size and studied shape, Tekken gets an intense light coverage in a surface between 1,20 x 1,20 and 1,50 x 1,50 meters, being possible to use Double Ended lamps up to 1000w.
Reflectivity of Lumatek's Tekken Pro DE Miro and Hammertone hoods
Lumatek sells two reflectant options for their Tekken PRO DE hoods: Hammertone and Miro.
Tekken Pro DE Hammertone reflector characteristics
Size: 615 x 615 x 220 mm.
Material: Aluminium.
Reflectivity: 92%.
Lamp holder: Double Ended.
Coverage: 1,20 x 1,20 - 1,50 x 1,50 (meters).
Maximum lamp power: 1000w DE (Double Ended).
Tekken Pro DE Miro reflector characteristics
Medidas: 615 x 615 x 220 mm.
Material: Aluminium.
Reflectivity: 98%.
Lamp holder: Double Ended.
Coverage: 1,20 x 1,20 - 1,50 x 1,50 (meters).
Maximum lamp power: 1000w DE (Double Ended).
Advantages of Lumatek Tekken Pro DE reflectors
The first and most important of the advantages of this rflector is its high reflectivity. This technical detail derives into higher efficiency in light use, so it is a direct increase in final yields.
The second, and also important, is light spread. This hood gets a perfect squared footprint, without hot spots and with great light penetration in plants. It can be used to cover a surface up tp 1,5 x 1,50 meters (using 1000w lamps) or 1,20 x 1,20 meters (with 630 CMH lamps). It will be hard to find a reflector with larger coverage than Tekken Pro.
Tekken's design allows an airflow through its top layer, what notoriously improves heat dissipation (what actually helps increasing yields toos). This improved heat dissipation lets this hoods project all light straight down, where plants are without any loss nor burn.
Recommended distance between Tekken Pro and plants
As we already explained, the shape and design of Tekken PRO DE, has been deeply studied, and this is easily seen in details like light reflectivity, or the lack of hot spots under lamp. This absence, together with a more effective light spreading allows you to set the hood closer to canopy (if genetics and temperature let you do so).
Recommended distance using 1000w HPS lamps: 80cm.
Recommended distance using 600w HPS lamps: 40cm.
Recommended distance using 1000w CMH lamps: 80cm.
Recommended distance using 630w CMH lamps: 45cm.
Tekken PRO DE reflector final reviews and price
First we would like to highlight relative to this reflector is that is comes assembled. It is sold in a big box that works as a shield against any accidental hit that may suffer. We highlight it's a big box, because it is not discreet, but looking at the good part you don't have to set up any part (what is a warranty that it will work as it should be)
Once said this, if I had to buy a reflector for HPS or LEC double ended lights I would go for this Tekken Pro without a blink of an eye. The quality of the materials used and the professional look is not easy to find in market, but when you hand it and you start to take light measurements you notice that light spread is out of this world (with an ultra balanced spreading that makes the center receive almost the same amount of light than corners) what gives you an idea of how balanced your plants will grow and flower.
Who is the target of this reflector? Growers who already own a Double Ended lamp and ballast, but want to substitute the old reflector for a new one with high performance. Maybe here is the clue: Which one to choose the Hammertone or the Miro model?. Our experience and logic tells us that if you are looking for best perfomance, the difference in price between hammertone and miro makes no sense to buy the hammertone and loose a 6% reflectivity. So our choose and recommendation would be the Tekken Pro DE Miro.
In other words: It has no sense to spend a certain amount of money in a Tekken Pro and then don't pay the extra cost of the Miro. If you think a 6% loss is not much just think about loosing a 6% of your actual yields.. Now a 6% looks too much right?
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