Juvinal 10 EC Kenogard
Mode of Action:
Applied to a population of susceptible insects, inhibiting development interferes with natural evolutionary processes (metamorphosis and reproduction embiogénesis) and causing the disappearance of the plague. Its great length is based on breaking the cycle of biological development of insects. Due to the insignificant effects on natural predators and bees, JUVINAL ® 10 EC can be used simultaneously with them in the programs of Integrated Production.
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
JUVINAL ® 10 EC must be applied to the early larval stages of insects to be controlled, preferably from the first generation. -In horticultural nurseries, to control virus vectors, carry a maximum of 2 applications. -In cotton, treated before the opening of the capsules. -In critical applications to start development of larvae, lice gray and white louse louse California red using doses of 0.050 to 0.075% and against serpetas caparreta and those of 0.025 to 0.050%. Using higher doses in stock applications with low volumes. In ornamental ornamental shrubs and herbaceous against mealybugs treat the beginning of the emergence of the larvae, and against whitefly make 1 or 2 treatments (the first the first adults seen and repeat if necessary, after 2-4 weeks) . -In the case of cherry, apple and pear, apply a single treatment of pre-flowering. - In the plum and peach, to apply from the beginning of the emergence of larvae to 14 days before harvest. In tomato, make 1 or 2 treatments, the first to note the presence of several whitefly adults per leaf and, if necessary, a second treatment after 2-4 weeks of the first. -In the case of olive trees treated before or at the onset of flowering. -In the case of eggplant, peppers and edible skin curcubitáceas, carry a maximum of two applications spaced 15-30 days per season. -In vine, apply pre-bloom.
Mitigation of environmental hazards:
To protect aquatic organisms, Respect yourself without trying a guard band of 5 m. in arable crops and 20 m. woody crops to surface water bodies.
Toxicity Classification:
General Hazard: Harmful (Xn). Dangerous for the environment.
Mammals: A
Birds: A
Fish: B
Bees: Compatible with bees
Bees: Relatively little dangerous to bees.
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