Indica Cream

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Indica Cream-5 seeds
Indica Cream-10 seeds
Indica Cream-1 seed
Kannabia Seeds has been working hard to present Indica Cream. Indica Cream is a mix from all of our indica mother plant's room. Flowering time of about 6 weeks, ready to harvest outdoors in early September.

We have been working on this variety for a very  long  time. This is a mixture of the best Indica varieties in our mother’s room. The goal was not only to look for a variety with a fast flowering cycle, but also to take advantage of this Molotov cocktail hybrid vigor. This plant meets the best characteristics of the varieties included in Kannabia catalogue: fast, productive and easy to grow. Our Indica Cream develops all its potential outdoors because, although it exceeds 2 meters high of pure buds, you can harvest it in mid-late September. During our tests, some specimens were ready in over 6 weeks, although 7 weeks will be more convenient for a proper ripening of every trichome. Buds are thick and spongy, but they harden like rocks over the last weeks of the life cycle. Flowers give off a penetrating smell of coffee since the very first weeks of flowering.

It is not advisable to saturate Indica Cream roots with fertilizers, because the plant growth is constant. For a controlled indoor growth, let the plants grow for no less than 15 days after germination (under 18 hour photoperiod and an EC, during growth, never over 1.4. In hydroponic systems, EC can reach 1.6).

The structure is typical of Indica varieties: big central bud and a big amount of side branches, ideal for in- door growing. Internodal distance is small and the calyx-leaf relationship is good, producing easy-to- manicure flowers. Indica Cream endures high temperatures and long droughts very well. It is very resistant to insect plagues and fungus attacks.

One of the most outstanding qualities of this variety is ripening speed. In just a few days trichomes will turn from transparent to milky-white, and shortly af- ter they will change into a café-au-lait tone, similar to coffee with milk. This is a sign of complete ripening. The flavor is very sweet with a sugary aftertaste, like candy.

This variety psychoactivity is quite high, as well as THC and CBD levels, enough to lead to relaxing and antidepressant moods. For this reason, it has medicinal properties according to some growers.

Indica Cream produces a good hash, although its ice-o -lator is too tempting a sweet.

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