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HyPro Cal-Mag is an extra source of Calcium and Magnesium essential to get a heavy crop. The high levels of Calcium and Magnesium (besides Iron) in Hy-pro's formula increases strength of cell walls, besides boosting the chlorophyll production. The Calmag additive is a must when growing in coco or hydroponics, specially in areas with soft water, or when RO water is used.

What's Hy-Pro Cal-Mag and why is it good for

Cal-Mag is a calcium and magnesium liquid supplement to complement your current nutrients. Calmag helps correct and solve lacks of calcium and magnesium that could occur during growth.

The Cal-Mag by Hypro provides your plants with a source of calcium, magnesium and iron in a balanced formula. These elements are critical for all stages of growth, but in special for flowering phase.

The high levels of Calcium and Magnesium improve cell walls strength, and chlorophyll production.

The use of Cal-Mag Hy-pro is crucial when growing, specially when using soft water to prepare your nutrient solution. Cal-Mag not only brings calcium and magnesium but also a blend of selected trace elements that help maximizing final yields.

The use of Calmag is a must when growing in coco or in hydroponic systems, as these growing mediums do need a continuous source of these elements to avoid defficiencies.

¿When and how to add Calmag to your nutrient solution?

Calmag is a supplement that should be added to your nutrient solution to cumpliment your base nutrients and other boosters or stimulators.

If you grow in coco, or in hydroponic systems, this supplement is crucial for a proper developement of plants in both, vegetative stage and flowering stage. So it is a must to add Calmag every time you water your plants along the whole grow cycle.

If you are currently growing your plants in soil, it might happen you do not notice a calcium and magnesium defficiency during first stages of growth, but is more probable it happen at the right moment plants finish all substrate existing resources. If you want to prevent lacks of calcium and magnesium the best option is start adding Cal-Mag from the second week of vegetative stage.

If you need to get maximum benefits from CalMag, it must be dilluted in water and soruced plants in irrigation.

Calcium, magnesium and iron lack corrector

If in a certain moment of the growing cycle your plants show a lack of any secondary macro or micro nutrient it is probable that Calmag by Hypro will solve your issue.

To correct a defficiency you only need to add the recommended dose of Calmag in every irrigation until plants show a clear improvement. Thanks to Cal-Mag formula, with chelated iron, the product acts so quick, getting to correct and solve the lack in few waterings (3-4 irrigations should be enough to solve soft defficiencies).

Apply Cal-Mag in irrigation or foliar sprayed

For a maximum uptake capacity and a quick solve of a certain lack, what's recommended is to apply Cal-Mag every time you water your plants. Although, it is possible that as a grower you might want to spray your plants with Cal-Mag (maybe during the rooting process or with young cuttings or seedlings) during some phases of growing stage.

Cal-Mag can also be applied in foliar spray to correct and solve soft lacks. If you like spraying your clones with Cal-mag, remember to always use Hy-pro's recommended dose.

Dose and how to use Calcium-Magnesium by Hypro

The first to do before adding Cal-Mag to your nutrient solution is checking the EC/ppm of your water. The recommendation is that begining from EC=0 you should add Cal-Mag until reaching EC=0,4.

If the EC of your water is higher than 0 but lower than 0,4, you should add less Cal-Mag to reach that EC=0,4.

In case that EC of your water is higher than 0,4, then it would be better to get a reverse osmosis filter to remove from water those salts before adding Cal-Mag or any other nutrient to water.

The maximum recommended dose of Hypro CalMag is 5 ml/L of water. Even though, as we explained it is a must to check the EC of your water to know the exact amount of Cal-Mag you should add.

Application setp by step

  1. Add Cal-Mag to irrgiation water at first (before adding any other fertilizer or booster).
  2. Dillute a small dose of Cal-Mag in water and check the EC of the solution. If it doesn't reach the desired valued then add a small amount again until reaching EC=0,4.
  3. Once the EC has reached the 0,4 value then you can proceed adding all other nutrients of your grow schedule.

Characteristics of Cal-Mag defficiency solver

Type: Calcium and magnesium lack corrector.

For: Prevent and solve any lack of calcium or magnesium during all stages of growth.

Use: During all stages of plants (vegetative phase and flowering phase).

Dose: 5 ml/L (maximum recommended dose).

Certified analysis of product

  • Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2
  • Magnesium nitrate Mg (NO3)2

Derived from Ca (NO3)2 and Mg (NO3)2

Calmag final reviews, tips and price of sale

Cal-Mag by Hypro is a must use product to all those growers who pretend reaching an advanced level. Specially needed if you use RO water (or soft water), and a must when growing in coco or hydroponics.

If you are growing in coco, the extra source of calcium and magnesium can become a dramatic difference in your final yields, so we consider very important to add it to your nutrint solution during all stages of growth.

About our tip, in this case it comes related to recommended dosages by manufacturer. According to our tests you will rarely need to add such a high dose of the product. It is probable that if you don't check your EC and you add the recommended dose you will cause a nutrient-lock. We suggest to keep a dose of 1 ml/L every time you water your plants to avoid any possible defficiecny that could appear.

You must remember that the dose of 5 ml/L is too high, and only some old motherplants, or huge plants grown outdoors can uptake those nutrient levels.

About the price of Hypro Cal-Mag, understanding that this is a two-in-one product, with a high concnetration, we feel the price as average (it's not cheap but it's not expensive neither) for a product of this quality standard. This is a good choice for your plants that will solve quickly any lack of Calcium, Magnesium or even both at the same time.

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