Gavita PRO W 150 DE

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The Gavita Pro W 150 DE is a highly efficient reflector, designed to increase the light spreadring angle of 750w and 1000w Double Ended fixtures. This wide reflector has been developed to increase light coverage, in pro of a lower intensisty just under the light. The Gavita W 150 DE is suitable for growrooms with low ceilings, regarding its higher spreading angle it can be set closer to plants.

¿What's Gavita Pro W 150 DE?

Grouped inside the Miro Vega reflectors by Gavita we find these Gavita W 150 DE, an open reflector thought to increase light spread produced by Double Ended lamps used in 750w or 1000w fixtures.

The W-150DE better spreads the light, getting an increased coverage of growing surface. This model is ideal for grow spaces with low ceilings, as it better spreads the light thanks to a more open angle, so the light can be placed closer to plants.

Gavita W-150 DE reflectivity

The Gavita HR96 reflectors  are manufactured with top grade Miro aluminium to get a 96% light reflectivity. These reflectors are medium wide, improving the light focus angle, what sources plants with an increased light penetration from all angles.

Benefits of Gavita Pro W150 Double Ended reflector

These wide reflectors are not optimal for small growrooms, as they focus more light to walls, causing losses in light levels, reducing the efficiency and performance of light system.

The Gavita W 150 DE reflector is specifically developed to cover special needings of the following growrooms:

  • Large vegetative stage growrooms in which light intensisty is not as high, and is better to spread the light.
  • In growrooms where HPS and Plasma fixtures are mixed, and it is interesting to let the light spectrum blend so plants get major benefits from these mixed light system.
  • In large scale growrooms in flowering, in which ceilings are low, so a wide open reflector allows lamps to be closer to plants without burning them.

The main benefit of W150 DE reflector is, compared with the simple HR96, it get more uniformity when distanced from plants. With these type of wide reflectors you'll get a more balanced light in the growroom, instead of hotpots in some areas.

Instaling Gavita W 150 DE reflector

Gavita reflectors have a quick replacement system of relfectors, that allow you to remove the old one and place the new one within seconds.

Being high reflectivity reflectors, Miro aluminium is tough to clean without harming material, causing losses and reflection capacity. Gavita recommends replacing reflector 1 per year in "dirty" enviroments where there is dust, or sprayers are used, or every 2 years in clean enviroments.

Gavita PRO W 150 DE characteristics

Type: Wide reflector.

Adjustable: No.

Reflectivity: 96%.

Opening angle: 150º.

For: Gavita 750w or 1000w DE fixtures in growrooms with low ceilings.

Material: Miro aluminium and Vega standards.

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