EC Regulator

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EC Regulator-1l
EC Regulator-5l
EC Regulator-20l

EC Regulator Pro XL from PRO-XL is an additive for nutrient-poor irrigation water that provides Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium to optimize nutrient absorption, enhance growth, flowering, and crop quality.

What is EC Regulator Pro XL?

EC Regulator Pro XL is an irrigation water additive made by the brand Pro XL. This product is designed to regulate the electrical conductivity (EC) of the water, an important factor for nutrient absorption by plants.

What is it used for?

Irrigation water can have different levels of dissolved salts and minerals, affecting its electrical conductivity (EC). Too low or too high EC can hinder nutrient absorption by plants, negatively impacting their growth and development.

EC Regulator Pro XL helps adjust the EC of irrigation water to an optimal level for plants, usually between 0.4 and 1.0 EC. This ensures that plants can efficiently absorb the nutrients they need, resulting in better growth, higher yields, and better quality of the final product.

Instructions and dosage:

EC Regulator Pro XL is applied diluted in irrigation water. The recommended dosage varies depending on the initial EC of the water and the plants' needs. It is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it if necessary.

Steps to use EC Regulator Pro XL:

  • Measure the EC of the irrigation water.
  • Add the recommended amount of EC Regulator Pro XL to the water.
  • Mix the solution well.
  • Measure the EC of the final solution.
  • Adjust the dose if necessary.
  • Water the plants with the prepared solution.

Usage tips:

  • Shake the product well before use.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • Use good quality water for dilution.
  • Adjust the pH of the nutrient solution between 5.5 and 6.5.
  • Use an EC meter to control the EC of the water and nutrient solution.

Frequently asked questions about EC Regulator Pro XL:

  • In which cultivation systems can EC Regulator Pro XL be used?

    • EC Regulator Pro XL can be used in all cultivation systems, including hydroponics, aeroponics, soil, and coco.
  • Is it compatible with other fertilizers?

    • Yes, EC Regulator Pro XL is compatible with most fertilizers. However, it is recommended to conduct a compatibility test before mixing it with other products.
  • How often should I use EC Regulator Pro XL?

    • The frequency of application of EC Regulator Pro XL will depend on the EC of the irrigation water and the needs of the plants. In general, it is recommended to use the product every time you water the plants.
  • Where can I buy EC Regulator Pro XL?

    • EC Regulator Pro XL can be purchased in physical and online grow shops.

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