Dimafid 40
Dimafid 40 aphids insecticide, is a powerful remedy against insects pests. Dimafid 40 Flower is formuled with Dimethoate 40%, what assures a satisfying result of treated plants. Dimafid 40 is a systhemic insecticide of chemical origin, that can be used along vegetative stage of plants, until first week of flowering phase.
Dimafid 40 insecticide against aphids is a powerful insecticide organo-phosphored of systhemic activity, that acts by contact or ingestion. Very effective against all types of aphids: black, green or yellow.
Dimafid 40 Flower is authorized for domestic use (JED: Domestic Exterior Gardening).
Dimafid 40 composition:
Dimethoate 40% p/v (400g/l)
Contains xilene and cyclohexanone.
Emulsifiable concentrate (CE).
Dimafid 40 dose and recommendations:
Miz with water in a dose of 1-1,5 ml/l.
Apply the dilluted product assuring to cover the bottom of the leaves, and then the top (in caso of pest repeat every 5-7 days until get rid of).
Size: 15cc.
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