
Cultivator HPS Plus

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Special Price €33.66 Regular Price €56.10
Method Seven's Cultivator HPS Plus lenses, are the cheapest version of products for growing under high pressure sodium lights. These lenses, thanks to its basic shape, but with all quality from Method Seven, allow all growers to protect against annoying light produced by HPS equipments.

Specifications Cultivator HPS Plus Method Seven:

Cultivator Plus HPS lenses, by Method Seven, are the cheapest version from the whole catalogue of M7 products for growth.

Cultivator Plus HPS use Method Seven's lense technology, and allow a perfect vision of plants, under high pressure sodium lamps, and also protect grower's eyes.

With Cultivator HPS Plus, Method Seven completes its product catalogue, offering a cheaper shape, keeping the same quality shown in all Method Seven's products

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