Coco A+B

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Coco A+B-1L
Coco A+B-5L
Coco A+B-10L

Coco A+B is a 2-part fertilizer for plants grown in coco. B'cuzz Coco Nutrition A+B by Atami feeds plants with all macro and micro nutrients needed for a vigorous growth and explosive bloom. Coco A+B is a high quality and concentrated fertilizer, that reaches great results along vegetative stage and also in flowering stage of plants.

Coco is one of the growing mediums most used nowadays by growers indoors, who value special characteristics of this substrate, in-between soil and hydroponic systems. At the same time coco has benefits for growers, who get more control over plant's feeding process, growing in coco requires special nutrition, that every specific fertilizer for this growing medium must contain.

B'cuzz Coco A+B Atami is a 2-part fertilizer (that should be combined in equal amounts) useful for all stages of plants (vegetative and flowering). Coco Nutrition A+B sources all needed nutrients by plants for a maximum performance. This is got thanks to its two compounds (A and B) that, once mixed in water, asure all minerals needed by plants in each growing stage.

During growing stage Coco A+B can be combined with Coco Booster and a Root Stimulator, while in flowering stage it is recommended to be combined with Coco Bloom Stimulator to reach highest yields.

One of the peculiarities of this growing medium is that coco is inhert (contains no nutrients), so growers must add nutrients from the really first irrigation, to asure a prosper developement. From SantYerbasi we recommend a starting EC of 0,6-0,8, that we should keep until we detect first sign of developement (moment in which we should rise the dose up to EC 1,0-1,2).

A good tipe we like to share is to proceed to water coco 24h-48h before placing the plants in substrate. These actions guarantee an activated substrate ready to welcome plants.

B'cuzz Coco Nutrition A+B

Type: 2-part fertilizer for growth.

For: Plants grown in coco.

Use: Along all stages of plants (vegetative stage and flowering stage).

Dose: 0,5-3 ml/L.  Adapt doses to the size and nutrient uptake capacities of each strain.

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