CBD Oil Capsules

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CBD Oil Capsules-60 capsules

Sensi Seeds CBD Oil Capsules are an alimentary complement for users who want to get benefits of CBD without complications nor added tastes to their diet. These capsules with CBD oil by Sensi Seeds contain 15mg of CBD (3% of cannabidiol), amount more than enough to solve chronic pain, reduce stress, or even help you to sleep. CBD Oil Capsules are gluten-free, and are compatible with a vegan diet, as it contains leaves and hemp seed oil.

Regarding to many studies made up to date, CBD Oil has demonstrated to be a powerful ally to fight many dolences, besides being an element that helps solving many types of chronic pain. To the existing offer of products like CBD Oil or CBD e-liquids, now Sensi Seeds adds the possibility of these CBD Oil capsules, caps that contain cbd oil at 3%. Each capsule with CBD contains 15mg of cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is found in its natural form in Cannabis Sativa L., and opposite to THC, does not have a psychoactive effect. Instead of those effects, CBD, has beed linked to many benefits for health like anti-inflamatory properties, and chronic pain solver. Some studies even demosntrate CBD could help against brain damaged caused by heart issues, beisdes helping in medical cases like epilepsy, schizophrenia or multiple sclerosis.

CBD Oil capsules are an amazing food additive to our diet, helping also solving chronic pain, reducing stress and fighting free radicals, besides helping with sleeping disorders.

CBD Oil capsules are a great option to ingest CBD oil, specially if you don't like the characteristic bitter taste it has. These capsules are thought to resist your stomach digest, slowly releasing the CBD Oil in your body, and improving its uptake. Sensi Seeds produces CBD oil (contained in CBD Oil capsules) from european certified hemp plants, mixing it with hemp seed oil. Plants are grown pesticide and herbicide free, with a will of producing a top quality healthy product.

Each CBD Oil capsule contains about 580mg of oil, from which 15mg are CBD. CBD Oil capsules contain different phitocannabinoids in addition to CBD, like CBC, CBG and CBN. Also contain terpenes like myrcene, limonene, alpha and beta -pinene, linolene, B-cariphilene, cariphilene oxide, humulene, nerolidolene and phytolene.

While CBD Oil bottles are sold in 10ml or 30ml sizes, these CBD Oil capsules are sold in packs of 60 capsules of CBD (flavourless, tasteless and easy to take) that keep their potency along digestion.

CBD Oil capsules are resistant to stomach acids, making CBD directly absorbed by body.

Sensi Seeds CBD Oil Capsules

Type: Cpasules with CBD 3%.

Content: 15mg of CBD in 580mg (capsule).

For: Alimentary additive, that brings peace of mind and body.

Use: Take one capsule 1-2 times a day, helping with water, 30 minutes before meal.

Important information: These capsules are an alimentary additive. Are not medicine, and are not a substitute for a balanced diet, nor healthy lifestyle. Ask your doctor before using these capsules in case of pregnancy or lactation.

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