Wild Rose is one of the popular varieties of Sweet Seeds seed bank. Its price, and a spectacular genetic doesn't defraud any grower. Wild Rose is a variety of indica predominance, easy to grow, with aromas and flavors of his heritage candy from Rosetta Stone. In this chapter we will talk about techniques or conditions that may be favorable to get the most of this strain.

Wild Rose seeds

As it is a very suitable variety for indoor growing and outdoor cultivation we will proceed to explain tips that can be useful in each of the cases, or both:

Indoor Growing

Like many other varieties, the Wild Rose appreciate the use of growing root stimulator. We can use root stimulator brands like Biobizz, Canna, Hesi, Advanced Nutrients, Plagron ... Overall not a plant size too high. Usually grow in width than most sativa genetic tend to stretch a lot to the top. According to the available height in our culture (say 2m) should let them grow (18h every 24h) 30-35 cm for them to be flowering (12h every 24h). Generally we get to this point will cost between 3 and 4 weeks of growth. (* If the available height is less than 2 meters recommend spending flowering plants with a height not exceeding 25 cm. Doing this guarantees a final height not exceeding 75cm of plant).

Depending on the quality of the substrate used (very little paid or paid) we should start adding fertilizers to water between the 2nd and the 3rd week of growth. As it is a averse plant with high amounts of fertilizer we recommend starting to use a mild dose regarding the recommended by the manufacturer and go up as the weeks go on. For reference we prefer not to move from EC: 1.0 throughout the growth phase. * From Sant Yerbasi recommend using more fertilizer substrates such as the Allmix of Biobizz, Canna Terra Professional Plus or Plagron Batmix. Especially recommended Plagron Batmix to contain in your mix a small amount of bat guano. The improvement in respect to these substrates is substantially lighter ones in the final production.

Once we changed the light cycle (18h on / off to 6h 12h on / 12h off), plants have forward about 10-15 days to us to start to see the first signs of flowering. During these first two weeks to see how light 12h plants reaching stretch (in the best case) to multiply by 3 the height. It is important to understand that during these two weeks the plants do not need fertilizer for flowering because they are adapting to the new cycle but have not yet started. All we need to add to irrigation water is a median dose of fertilizer for growing plants sobrefertilizar not. Maximum recommended ECpara the first 2 weeks to 12h: 1.0-1.2

After these first 15 days our Wild Rose and give symptoms to start flowering with white pistils proliferation throughout the plant. As it is a not very tall plant, pruning lower branches to make will not be as exhaustive as other varieties. Try cutting those lower branches removed only power to the plant. * We recommend cutting the third bottom of the plant to promote fortification of fruit at the top. This technique will help keep small buds grams when dried are wasted.

From a nutritional point our Wild Rose, by the time of the cycle where they are, requiring growth fertilizer dose + medium-low bloom fertilizer in a low dose + (* recommended) flowering stimulator low dose. The E. C. Total between the 3rd and the 4th week should not exceed 1.2-1.4 increasing to 1.6 at the end of the 6th week flowering adding fertilizer only medium dose + dose flowering stimulator averaged.

At the 7th week to 12 hours will increase the dose of fertilizer added to water flowering and flowering stimulator and keep you during this 7th and 8th week. At the end of the 8th week should see how 60-70% of the pistils of the plant are brown showing signs of reaching maturity. E. C. Maximum recommended dose: 1.6-1.8

At the 9th week proceed to commonly called root washing. What remains ahead 9th and 10th week, while we use to water the Wild Rose only water (do not add any fertilizer). In this process that we are encouraging Wild Rose small clumps release of nutrients for later smoking. The aim is that the plant is slowly exhausted stocks of different minerals at that point proceed to court. What we try to achieve by giving 15 days is that plants have enough time to wash and no traces in taste or buzz. It is not necessary to increase or reduce risks, simply to meet the needs of the plants with water without fertilizers will suffice.

At the 7th SETRAS these 10 weeks we will have in our hands 12h genetics with strong high-narcotic but not devastating, with sweet nuances undespicable by any expert or novice grower. A very good option if looking for new flavors to get away from competition or typical commercial varieties.


wild rose sweet seeds


Growing outdoors

Wild Rose appears as a more than good choice for outdoor growing. Best values ​​it brings: Speed ​​of flowering (cut at the end of September), good production, average height to avoid attention, compact buds and resinated ...

We recommend growing plants in 11l pots during the first 4 weeks of life from germination. After 4 weeks transplanted to soil or potting 40 liters. We recommend the use of highly charged substrates. Outdoor plants requiring large amounts of fertilizer by the sizes down to get. If transplanted to a pot 40l (our favorite option because we will have more control over all the roots will suffer even more to keep hydrated), we should fill the bottom of the pot with a few liters of soil, place the plant in half and fill more land to surround the pot. The use of new land brings fresh substrate and fluffy, and new nutrients to roots that need more space to meet the needs. From the day that we can count trasplantemos nutrients to be available for approximately 15 days. From that point we regularly provide fertilizers for proper development.

If we choose to cultivation on soil, we recommend making a hole and fill with new soil to ensure that the core package roots of each plant is in the best possible condition. Advantages of soil cultivation: Greater distance between irrigations, greater capacity for growth. Inconveniences: Less control over which drink the roots of larger plants.

The growth morphology of the Wild Rose does not make it particularly delicate plant with strong winds or hot, being a plant with branches strong enough to bear the weight of the buds.

* Recommendations outdoor pests: The Wild Rose is not usually an extremely sensitive plant. Even so, if pests may appear depending on our area or specific climatic conditions. In cases of pests in flowering recommend using aggressive biological products such as:

Red Spider:
Oleat Bio (lock) / Oleat Bio CCK (lock) / Micro Kill (unique Plagron)

Powdery mildew: Oidioprot (Eco Protect) / Cannacure (canna) / PROPOLIX (lock)

Caterpillars: Biothur (lock) / Bacil.lus (Greendel)

Conclusion: In our case the internal performance 1m2 400w lamp was 380 grams of dried buds, while the average yield per plant outdoors (40l pot) was 350g. It seems more than acceptable in our conditions therefore say that the Wild Rose is a very good option.