Day by day more growers decide to grow marijuana in a growtent. There is few manufacturers of quality grow tents in market, with docens of sizes available. You can find out many sizes: Growtents of 40x40, 60x60, 80x80, 90x90, 100x100, 120x120, 120x240... Today we will explain how to set up a growtent.
In addition you can find out grow tents with non squared area, to adapt better to grower's space. We will describe the hot spots of a grow tent to make an easier decision to choose the one fits better.
From a decade ago, the number of grow tent manufacturers has been multiplied. These days grow tent's offer is wide, with so many variations on its price, and sometimes it's difficult to understand where are the differences between them. In this article we would like to highlight some aspects of growtents that can make the difference.. Quality elements like racks, better fabrics, stronger unions...
Our experience as grow shop during 10 years tell us that quality has a price ( and in most cases, cheaper becomes expensiver). After bad experiences with low quality growtents, we decided just to work with 2 growtents' brands: Secret Jardin and Homebox Original.
Without any doubt these two brands are the ones that had worked hardly on improving these helpfull portable grow-tools.
Differences between a low cost growtent and a Secret Jardin /Homebox:
Homebox and Secret Jardin are known by a better quality products. With a heavier fabric (that isolates perfectly), stronger racks (growtents are frequently oppened and closed so it is important to have good ones that keep longer). Another structural important point are unions. Homebox and Secret Jardin sell a product with a better quality unions able to resist and last more. Also the posts have increased diameter compared with their "low cost" cousins.
Tips to set up a growtent
Once we've decided the model that fits our space better we will proceed to set it up. Sometimes the available space to mantle the growtent is difficult because it will fit perfect on the desired place. For those cases is recommendable to unfold all components to proceed setting it up without hurry.
How to set up a growtent step by step
1.- Take all components out from the box and check instructions.
2.- Open all the racks of the growtent (it is important to set it up that all racks are open).
3.- Position fabric's base on the floor: Once all racks are open we can figure what growtent's base will be, and the place it will occupy.
4.- Assemble 4 corners of base's square with unions. Once assembled with put it inside the fabric's base.
5.- Vertical post: We fit each post on every corner of the base we have assembled.
6.- Growtent's roof: Once four posts are assembled, we use unions again to assemble them with the top square (the roof).
7.- Covering structure with the fabric: This is one of the critical moments setting up the growtent. We must act really carefully to don't break anything. If all racks are completely open and the structure is build inside the fabric's base, you just need to help the fabric cover all the structure with any extra pulls.
8.- Structure's roof: Once the structure is set up and the fabric is covering everything is a good idea to ensure the roof's cross. Will be helpfull to hold light, extractors, etc.
Distribution inside the growtent
Bigger the growtent is, easier distribution will be. What it is normal is to hold the lights and extractors using the beams and grabbers given.
As in any other indoor garden, grow tents use airflow coming from bottom to top to refresh the plants. there is allways some intakes on the bottom and an outake hole to let the tube go out (with all the heat on it).
Is recommendable to hold firmly elements like lights, extractors, carbon filters to the structure, so it's saver for the plants agains dropping. Properly hold tools wont fell down.
Another good tip once the growtent is done is de cable:
1º: The lamp must be able to move up and down without pulls.
2º: Is recommendable to guide the cable using the structure.
How to improve extractor efficiency
Extraction systems are form by: Extractor, connecting tubes, depending on each grower, carbon filters, ozonizers, etc. Two ways to help the extractor function work at 100%:
1º: Use as less tube meters as possible.
2º: Guide the tubes to work as rectum as possible: More angles or corners the system has, less efficiency against air removing.
See all grow tent sizes for growth