In recent years, interest in vaporizers for marijuana has been increasing. Growing interest in a method of cannabis consumption and not as damaging in the tasting and odor out even more. Our intention today is to compare the different vaporizers available in the market to explain its good points and its weak points.
Tips for marijuana growing
Tips and tricks for marijuana growing. Growing tips to grow marijuana indoors and outdoors. Tricks to increase marijuana yields.
How to germinate marijuana seeds
To germinate marijuana seeds, whatever your choice is: feminized, regular or autoflowering ones, our intention is to get 100% germination ratio. To get so, SantYerbasi recommends the classic method for germination. In this post we will explain all methods to germinate cannabis seeds with best results taking note of our experience.Planning a marijuana grow room
Oftenly happens that a customer comes to our stores asking for information about how to plan a grow-room. In this, as inmany others, as much we can plan before much money we’ll save, efforts and headackes. Is so much easier to spend 15-20 minutes thinking about how should it be, than proceed with no plans. […]How to use Canna Aktrivator
Aktrivator is a mixture of fungi and clay. One of the most recommended product for any substrate: soil, coco, hydroponic and aeroponic. Aktrivator promotes an environment in which the beneficial microorganisms may grow. It is precisely the activity of these fungi which allows plants are healthier, reduce the chances of root diseases and increase crop […]