The House of Congress, with the votes of the PP, PSOE and UPyD, has rejected the proposal by Republican Left (ERC) and supported by the Plural Left (IU-ICV-CHA) to regulate, in the shortest time possible, the production, distribution and consumption of cannabis in Spain. The initiative arose in turn the creation of a subcommittee or working group to study the decriminalization cited, nor has it gone ahead.

Motion is a consequence of interpellation that Catalan separatists spokesman, Alfred Bosch, discussed a couple of weeks with the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, who was only willing to consider the possibility of legalizing the cannabis from a health perspective. In this case, the minister recalled that there is legislation in this widely adopted by international institutions, as well as numerous clinical analysis advanced in line to confirm that cannabis is harmful to health.

ERC: "It could create 40,000 jobs"

Since ERC noted that the legalization of cannabis production could create 40,000 jobs, which, in his opinion, would an income for Social Security and income tax of 400 million euros. Moreover, Bosch argued that, according to 2010 estimates, the benefits of new market niche economic and employment generation for the state would mean about 6,000 million annual profit.

In this case, it was Joan Tardà who has climbed to the podium to defend the initiative and wondered what would happen if a deputy to observe that it is smoking a marijuana joint, when it is admitted that one can get drunk from time then. "It would be teased and stigmatized. Exists a double standard and asks ERC to regulate this drug that is not legal and then discuss about child protection, consumer sites and all the things you want to talk . educate and is not to ban "has claimed the Republican.

Meanwhile, PP deputy Joaquín Villanova believes that legalization would increase the perception of young people, would lower the age of first use, at the same time convey a message of tolerance to drugs and trivialization of the negative health effects consumer. "It's the gateway to harder drugs. Nearly half of all traffic deaths had used cannabis," he pointed, while therapeutic purpose would be within the concept of self-medication that says "always rejected ".

Spain leads cannabis consume

Isabel Rodríguez García, the PSOE, recalled that Spain is the European leader in cannabis, being aged 15 to 17 years the largest consumers, while according to the WHO stresses that 27.5% of students admit having tried cannabis at 15 years.

"Our concern is the ability of the drug toxic, if consumed abusively that has impact on people's mental health and can damage personal development, especially if consumed in adolescence, while we are concerned that is consumed Therefore at this time, "he reported, while believed drug speaking must be done in prevention and legalization.

From UPyD, has tabled an amendment, Carlos Martinez Gorriarán believed to be moving towards regularizing the cultivation and consumption of cannabis in Spain, but considers that they should be discussed in a parliamentary subcommittee, and "not only to give the Government instructions then put in a drawer and not going anywhere. " Furthermore, it considers very important the prevention and regulation of cannabis consumption that does not happen the same with the bottle, after the ban has proved in his opinion you can not eradicate these practices. In fact, he recalled the case of Holland or California, who have regularized consumption.

By CiU, Conxita Tarruella bet that his amendment to the subcommittee conducted studies on the regulation of the drug, while from the PNV, Emilio Olabarria reasonable sees the creation of a subcommittee for study, although regularization does not support this motion. "We believe that the protection of the Penal Code concerning the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis is well configured and to repeal political consensus should arouse social and evaluate the inanity of cannabis use on health. Were recently referred to a health perspective and seems to give more importance to the economic effects that result from the use of cannabis, "he complained to the Republicans.

Meanwhile, Gaspar Llamazares, on behalf of the plural Left (IU-ICV-CHA) supported the motion and see additional regularizing both cannabis and the debate about it in a sub-study. Thus, recalled that in the sixteenth century a doctor spoke of "toxic dose" and not toxic elements. In this regard, stressed its dual, healing and the 'poison'. "Their strategy has been to the ban, and have to wonder if it has failed or not and in this regard that a world without drugs intended not gotten it," warned the parliamentary left.

Source: El