In this post we will do a grow light reflectors comparative. We will describe which points make some of them better, and more efficient, deriving into higher yields per crop, using the same amount of light. We will also discuss about different types of available reflectors for growing, and also advantages and disadvantages of each one.
Grow Light Reflectors for indoor growing
If we pay atention to the different type of reflectors for growing indoors, we'll find two main groups:
1.- Cooled reflectors: Cooled reflectors are those designed to be connected to the air extraction system. This type of reflector is convenient in facilities with low heights, due it allows growers to shorten the distance light-canopy, without burning the plants.
2.- Non-cooled reflectors: It is understood as non-cooled reflectors all those that don't need to be connected to the air extraction system, freeing the heat to the enviroment.
The most common reflectors we can find out are Stucco, Cooltube, Adjust-A-Wings, Sputnik, Radiant and Azerwing, each one with its own characteristics that we will detail below.
Reflectivity percentage
The percentage of reflectivity a reflector can get talks about the amount of light that these are able to direct to plants. Higher this reflectivity, more efficient the reflector will be (will get better yields using the same amount of light). The reflectivity capacity of a reflector depends mostly in its material, and also in the design of the surface exposed to light. There are many, and vary, reflectors in market with reflectivities that go from 6% up to 97% reflectivity.
Coverage surface of a reflector for cannabis
In addition to the reflectivity percentage, another key point to judge is the coverage surface it is able to light. It is not rare that if we use those cheapest reflectors, we will notice that not all the plants grow the same way, nor all the plants produce the same yields. One of the main disadvantages of an stucco reflector is the spread of the light in an area, due they usually focus higher amount of light in a smaller area. On the other side, the reflectors that get better yields are those able to source all plants under with the same amount of light. This detail not only helps to get a more balanced growth, it also derives in an increased yields at the end of flowering stage, mainly because we won't need to rise up the lights due to a single plant stretched more than the others.
To improve this point, there are adjustable reflectors that allow growers to regulate the light spreading, intensifying it in a reduced area, or letting it cover a wider surface.
Heat disipation
One of the common problems growing indoor is heat, mainly caused by high pressure sodium lights. These type of lighting equipments usually causes problems, specially in grow-rooms (or grow-tents), where the height is limited (low heights). In these cases is specially important to use a high quality reflector, able to spread the higher amount of heat possible. A reflector with better heat spreading capacity creats less hot-spots under it, so it improves the health of plants. Also, thanks to a better heat dissipation, we'll be able to reduce the distance light-canopy, what will derive in higher yields.
Grow Light reflectors comparative
After explaining what's said, we will give our opinion about different opcions when choosing a reflector, its characteristics, advantages, disadvatages and tips to use them.
Stucco: Stucco reflectors are the cheapest ones in market. Being suitable for 250w, 400w or 600w. Its reflectivity is usually arround 14-18%. These type of reflectors , with rectangle form, are usually used a surface of 1m x 1m (even our tests tell us that mainly they cover about 90x70 cm). Our test using a photometer demonstrated that most of the light is directed to the surface just under the, (descriminating the plants placed in the corner of each sqm), showing a bad quality when talking about light spreading. Another characteristic of these reflectors are the angles in its shade, that tell us its low availability to spread the light. If though this is a cheap reflector, suitable for our first time growing, it is recommended to change them for a better one as soon as possible to increase the quality and quantity of our crop.
Cooltube: Cooltube is one of the most known reflectors by growers who grow using growtents. Even though the reflectivity is not its best argue (arround 30%, in addition to focus the light in a rectangle surface), being a cooled reflector, allow plants to get closer to it (almost touching it) without suffering damages. Another of its advantages is that reduces the temperatures inside the grow-room, thanks to being connected directly to the air extraction system. This is specially helpful along hottest seasons, where temperatures growing indoors can easily reach 40ºC, if we don't use an air conditioner. The use of Cooltubes can decrease the temperature inside the grow-room/grow-tent arround 4-8 ºC.
Sputnik: This cooled reflector is a great improve of what cooltube is, keeping the same characteristic of being cooled. Thanks to its studied design, is able to offer a much better reflectivity (arround 95%) and also increse the covered area substantially, deriving in plants with much balanced height center-corner. The Sputnik is available in two different sizes and diameters to choose the one that better fits our needings. While 250w and 400w equipments should work within Sputnik 125mm, the Sputnik 150mm is designed to work together with 600w and 1000w equipments. Both models allow you to take the cristal out easily to proceed with cleaning and bulb replacing.
Radiant 6: Radiant 6 is another high-quality cooled reflector available, comparable in quality and shape to Sputnik 150mm. Radiant 6 can cover up to 1,20 x 1,20 meters (using 600w lights) and 1,5 x 1,5 meters (using 1000w lights). The studied parabolic shape of this reflector offers a 97% reflectivity. Another great advantage of Radiant 6 lies in the hinges used to open and close the crystal (to clean it or replace the bulb) what actually makes it easier to do the cleaning stuff. This is a great solution for growtents, and also for grow-rooms, specially when working with 1000w equipments.
Azerwing: Azerwing was developed image and likeness to Adjust-A-Wings. This is a high quality reflector, available with two different reflectivities: In one side we have the Azerwing Anodized, with a 85% reflectivity, and on the other side the Azerwing Vega, with a 95% reflectivity. Maybe one disadvantage of Azerwing, compared with Adjust-A-Wings is that it is not possible to adjust the wide of its wings, but as a new feature it allows you to adjust the angle of the bulb. If you are looking for a more than good quality reflector, for a cheaper price than original Adjust A Wings this could be your option. Even not being a cooled reflector, this is a high quality one, with scientific studies, that spreads the heat properly (so the light) avoiding hot spots under it and covering an area of 1,20 x 1,20 meters without problems.
Adjust-A-Wings: The Adjust-A_Wings is probably our favourite reflector in market. Even though it is true that it's not a cooled reflector, the quality of materials used, and the previous studies made, conclude that it's the best option in most of the cases. There are two Adjust-A-Wings models available: Adjust-A-Wings Enforcer and Adjust-A-Wings Avenger (86% and 97% reflectivity). Both models orverstand by its top-grade quality, being adjustable reflectors (allow to adjust the curve of its wings, and also the lampholder height) and by bringing the best yields possible you'll get. These adjustable settings make it so versatile to adapt the reflector to your needings. Another feature we notice measuring quality is its ability to avoid hot-spots under it, so plants live healthier. These reflectors can be used with 250w, 400w and 600w equipments. If we like to use 1000w equipments we should choose the Adjust-A-Wings Avenger Large model.
Choosing the reflector
Up to date we've talked about technical specs, and characteristics from each reflector. Now we will start detailing wich option is better for each grower.
Basic Stucco reflector: This is the option for your first time growing indoors, specially because it's cheap. Can be used in almost every facility (as long as the available height is at least 1,80 meters).
Cooltube reflector: Specially recommended for people growing in a growtent, with in places with low heights. It is a good choice if the maximum height is 1,60m or lower. It covers rectangle surfaces better than squared (due to its shape), but can be very useful to all growers that do not own an air conditioner, and want to keep growing during summer.
Sputnik and Radiant 6 reflectors: A clear improve comparing them with a Cooltube, specially in squared areas. If we have the budget, it is a great deal to bet for any of both, due to the superior yield will get. Better reflectivity (for the same electrical consumption). If there is something against maybe it is the weight of these reflectors. Even though can be installed in facilities with plasterboard ceilings. Both reflectors are a great option, being one of the few differences the hinges Radiant 6 has, that ease the work cleaning the unit, and replacing the bulb.
Adjust-A-Wings and Azerwing: Even both reflectors are a greta option (and the most professional), at SantYerbasi we still trust Adjust-A-Wings for its versatility, and its adjustable settings. Said this, we would like to highlight the increase of reflectivity in all cases, comparing them with the basic reflector. The difference is huge even using 86% models.
Cooled or non-cooled reflector
The coice of one or another type of reflector it's usually determined by facility's characteristics, or the power of equipments used.
If our limiting factor is the height, we high encourage you to use cooled reflectors due to the benefits for plant's health.
If that's not the problem, and the temperatures couldn't be a problem neither (because we live in a warm-cold weather, we aim you to choose and adjustable reflector. The difference it's not big but the crystal decreases the intensisty over plants, what derives in a sensible lower yield.
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