BHO (Butane Honey Oil), is one of the many types of resin extractions (and the one it's scoring higher in purity levels). It is know as BHO all resin extractions done using butane gas. The extraction method is simple (allways do it outdoors): the gas pass through material and extracts all the resin. After extraction, butane gas should be purged (to take out all gas rests). Once purged, the honey oil can be consumed.
In this chapter we will discuss about products for bho resin extractions.
SOLDIERS BHO extractors
There is 3 different common materials for bho extractors manufacture.
Simple: BHO extractors made in PVC. In favour: Are the cheapest ones, simples, to produce your first bho resin extractions. Against: Butane gas can "scratch" PVC walls leaving inpurities of plastyc on the extraction.
Medio: Extractors made in borosilicate. In favour: Borosilicate is a gas resistant material (so allows an impurity free resins). Against: Borosilicate is an easy to break material. It can explote with high pressures inside (due to air bags inside).
Professional: BHO extractors manufactured in stainless steel. In favour: Stainless steel is the strongest and cleanest material for BHO extractions. There are some completely made in steel (the most professional ones) and othesr that mix steel with other components (not as good). Against: The quality of the materials used force to a bit higher price that can double the cheapest PVC ones.
Gas for bho extractions
Extraction's gas should be as impurity free as possible. We specially recommend using Colibri Gas (for being one of the cleanest ones).
Artícles to handle BHO resin
BHO resin is dense and sticky. For an easy handle we recommend using tools like dabbers (manufactured in steel or aluminimum).
Trays for bho resins
There are multiple holders for keeping and transporting bho resins. The most recommendable surface is silicon alimentary type. As a non porous surface, is easy to catch resin, no mater how sticky it is. Companies like Nogoo offer 3 options (all of them made in alimentary silicon):
Check these and more at: BHO extractions and accessories
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