In this article we will explain everything about Neem Oil. If you ever wondered how to extract it, its properties, benefits or how to use neem oil this is the post you were looking for.
Today we will explain all neem extract characteristics, and its benefits when used in cannabis gardens to prevent pests. We will also explain how to extract neem oil so you can safe some dollars.

¿What's Neem Oil?
Neem oil is an extract got when pressing leaves, seeds and fruits from neem tree.
Origin of Neem Tree
The neem tree (Azadirachta indica), also known as indian nimbo or indian margosa, is found all arround the world, but has its origin in India and Burma. This is a tropical tree with perennial leaves.
Neem tree characteristics
Neem is a quick growth tree, that can grow up to 10 meters tall and up to 12 meters diameter.
It grows fast and straight, with strong cortex, and tones that range from light gray to reddish brown. Its white flowers, that release a nice fragance, can be male and female in the same tree (dichogamy), but shown in different periods.
The fruit of this tree is a drupe with shapes that range from enlarged oval to rounded.
Growing Neem Tree
The neem tree is highly resistant to drought. It can survive very dry areas, besides humid areas with pluviometries between 400 mm and 1200 mm. Grows in tropical and subtropical areas except in high altitude areas.
Benefits of Neem Oil use for plants
One of the main reasons why neem is so popular in plant's world is because neem extract acts as insecticide, as antinutrient and metamorphosis hormone inhibitor, causing a decreases in protein and aminoacid levels of them.
Neem extract decreases fecundity of insects blocking them to reach modurity, enlarging larvae stage and causing death blocking them from cast,
In cases like cannabis plants, this is a great ally to prevent pests, due its insecticide and repellent properties. In additon being an organic insecticide it can be used along the whole growth cycle.
Besides the use in plants, neem oil (from its seeds) has demonstrated being useful for cosmetic industry, even though its main use in relation with its insecticide properties.
Neem applications in humans
To treat scabies: Recent studies demonstrate a cientific preliminar evidence to treat scabies (even though these studies are still waiting for certification).
Remove lice: Even though neem extract does not demonstrate effiency against eggs, it does affect and kill all three strains of lices, besides nematodes, and filiform extoparasites and endoparasites worms.
Active ingredients of neem extract
Neem oil contains many terpene compounds, specially diterpenes derived from abietane, besides tetranortriterpenoids like azadirachtin and nimbine.
Properties of Neem depending on source
Neem tree cortex:
It is a bitter tonic, with stimulant properties, astringent, febrifuge, detersive and vermifuge.
Fruit of neem tree:
Purgative. Is toxic
Leaves and seed oil of neem tree:
Antihelmintic Properties, antiseptic and antiparasites.
How to use neem oil
The best way to apply neem oil to your plants is foliar spraying. It is recommended to add the recommended dose of each manufacturer to a liter of water and spray leaves in hours of low light intensity.
If we treat plants to prevent pests it is recommended to spray plants with a mix of 1-2 ml per liter of water once per week.
In cases were we need to get rid of a pest is better to repeat the application 2-3 times per week.
How to improve neem oil results
Neem oil is a great ally to prevent pests. Even though it has demonstrated to be effective to kill pests, in cases were the pest has manifested it is beteer to use other products more specific against certain pest.
Neem oil and soap to get rid of pest
As we explained, neem is a natural insecticide very effective to prevent pests. Sometimes shit happens, and the pest comes into scene. In these cases a great solution is to prepare a mix of neem oil and soap to treat affected plants and surroundings.
A good combination is to use neem oil and soap in equal parts (i.e. 3 ml of neem oil + 3 ml of sopa per liter of water).
Neem meal benefits and use
Resulting from the process of neem oil extraction we find a residue called neem meal, with excellent properties as fertilizers, insecticide and fungicide.
There are many growers that prepare their substrate with a blend of neem meal, which not only feeds plants with minerals, it also protects them from pests improving their self autoimmune system.
How long does the neem oil last in shelf?
No matter if powder or liquid, the neem extract in its pure state lasts a couple of years without loosing properties. If it has been mixed with water it degrades fast, so it is recommended to only prepare the quantity needed to spray your plants, and get rid of any non used mix.
Purchase neem oil for the lowest price
If you are in search of neem oil, or neem meal, SantYerbasi is your online store. We do have in sock best neem extracts for the lowest price in market:
NeemAzal neem oil by Trabe
Neemazal is a powerful and highly concentrated neem oil, with a recommended dose of 1,5-2,5 ml/L. NeemAzal contains azadirachtin, one of the most rich substances, and with higher active ingredients from tree neem.
BioNeem neem oil by Prot-Eco
Bioneem is 100% neem oil. It is available in two sizes (30 ml and 100 ml) and recommends a dose of 1-2 ml/L in foliar spray, or 2-3 ml/L in irrigation.
Proneem neem meal by Trabe
Proneem is neem meal got from neem seeds, in powder form so you can mix it in substrate. Its composition makes it a great source of minerals and pest prevention, besides adding an extra mold protection. It also works good against aphids when added to the pot surface.
If you landed to this page because you have an existing pest in your garden maybe these organic products against pests are interesting too:
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