This marijuana growth manual details all the information essential for a beginner grower. Here you'll find information about growth techniques, how to prevent pests, how to dry marijuana... This manual is specially written for those growers who have a single experience or none. To all beginner growers who want to get they award: The dreamt crop.

Nowadays, there is many different sites dedicated to cannabis consulting and growth. Sometimes the information on the net is hard to find and confusing or difficult to trust, so we decided to write a fast growth manual, step by step, to resume all themes that we think are important. This growth guide will be updated with articles and references that may be interesting for initial growers.

Introduction to Marijuana

Marijuana is one of the plants that groups more hates and passions all trought centuries and worldwide. Its milenary use (recently its been found marijuana close to an egiptian mummy)  trusts the human being interest on it.

Cannabis has been used in many functions like:

  • Paper and transportation industry
  • Medical use
  • Social and recreational use

Cannabis is a season plant, of easy growth, with many capacities to adapt to a region after few generations. Its natural reproduction occurs when pollen comming from male plants arrives to a fecundable females. This sexual reproduction has become great phenotypes. Environmental conditions in wich marijuana grows naturally are so wide: There are landraces from Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Mexico... In this examples re-crossing through years has kept so many prouded characters by consumers.

Two types of cannabis exist: Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa. Recently appeared autoflowering seeds (a subspiece from cannabis Indica) have become so popular. The difference between an indica and a sativa radicates in morfology, effect differences and cannabinoid values. Cannabinoids give all the effects to cannabis: Substances like THC and CBD, and ratio inbetween will condition not only effect, also the duration and marijuana smell too.

The cannabis cycle

After germination process, that will take between 3 and 10 days, young germinates will start being a plant. In this first step we will see the ftwo first cotyledons, and leafs, roots and stems. A plant should recieve between 16 and 20 hours of light per day to start its vegetation phase stong and healthy.

Starting from a seed, marihuana plants will send its primary root way down as plant grows taller. Roots will assimilate nutrients comming from water, and hold aereal part of the plant. Plants will demand more nutrients when they are big than in younger stage. During growth plants will demand mostly Nitrogen, but many other minerals too, to keep all the leafs and structure green and healthy.

germinate marijuana


Marijuana plants, once germinated and grown, start to show its preflowers after 4-5 weeks of grow. Preflowering is the way, the plant has, to show its preflowers (wich can be males or females depending on the sex). When plants show its firsts preflowers, growers could cut males (to let the female flower alone and get higher THC and CBD values)) or keep them (to pollinate females and obtain fresh seeds).

 sex marijuana


Indoors and outdoors, cannabis flowers when percieves a decrease on daily light hours. As plant starts flowering, it will change its primary functions (until this moment dedicated to generate foliage) to generate flowers (buds). In this step, female plants will dedicate all its efford to produce flowers (can be easily attacked by pests). During flowering, is recommendable to use fertiliziers and boosters to foment thick and fat flowers. As in vegetative phase plants demand more Nitrogen (N), in flowering phase we should add more phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) to enlarge flowers.

Arrived to the nearly end of flowering (where pistils are becoming brown to show flowers are getting mature) it is important to water the plants for 10-15 with no nutrients to throw away all products used during growth. During these days we just need to rewater plants with the amount of water they need (forget about overwater them to flush nutrients and harvest earlier). A good root cleaning can make huge differences in taste, effects, and flavours (not necessary to mention that will be healthier)

 flowering marijuana

Storage marijuana crop

Marijuana is a dried fruit. We should storage it in a controlled and constant environment. Some smokers use wood boxes or cureing boxes as others use crystal stashes. Crystal stash and sealed bags are probably the best way to storage (for a long period) our dried buds.

marijuana pot glass

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