Low Stress Training is a technique used to control vertical growth of plants. This low stress in plant processes allow guiding plant's branches to control its height to favor a more horizontal growth and area coverage. This technique, less aggressive in plants than others based in pruning (could be used indoors and outdoors), is useful to get faster crops and higher yields. In this post we will explain step by step how to apply the LST technique to your cannabis plants to get maximum yield.

What is L.S.T.?

L.S.T. stands for "Low Stress Training", a technique applied to plants to turn vertical growth into horizontal, minimizing stress in the plant (unlike other techniques such as pruning). Cannabis, morphologically and structurally, sends most of its resources to its top. Plant growth will always be related to the growth of the primary top (unless it is cut). The Low Stress training is a common technique used by those growers who guide branches to encourage a "deceit on the ground" resulting in higher final production. Leading branches, grower is forcing the plant  to change the distribution of its cellular activity, turning into a faster growth and a more productive flowering.

What's the purpose of L.S.T.?

The LST technique is very useful outdoors (this article is specially designed for this type of crop under the solar cycle) where it can be helpful for a more discrete gardens, far from the view of neighbors or others. Indoors, where the total amount of days per cycle is very important, grower can expect to save enough days per cycle to get an extra turn per year.

Steps to apply the Low Stress Training technique

Keep the plants in a vegetative state to a minimum size of 4 knots . Id you wait longer, the plant will become more robust and hard, making it more difficult to bend (saving potential breaches).

Using a wire or rope, tied between the 3rd and 4th node, we will fold the plant and attach it  to the pot.

When the plant begins to grow again, the top will trend to grow up again. This time, we need another wire, tied as far as possible from the first, that is not very malleable (like a hook used in hangers for hanging clothes ). Making a circle, spiral (ideally) or shape you want, begin to tie the plant to the wire to create a shape.

Once we use all available space, it is time to plant or transplant and let it bloom to continue the art. Arrived to this moment, it is best to let plants start flowering as it is not easy to remove or move all anchor points that we have made to guide the plant.

Advantages of using LST technique for cannabis cultivation

Oftenly when we grow, we do not want people to come around our plants for fear of theft and to stay away from gangs. With the technique of LST you will get a total control over plant's height what makes plants stay away from undesirables eyes. We recommend applying this method with more sativa hybrid strains, with flexible stems and more side-branching, but also responds well in indica hybrids type. For pure Indica with little to non branching and short development we do not recommend this technique at all.

Applying the low stress training will have the following characteristics:

For low stress training technique:

Plants with compact height, easy to conceal and examine. More branched specimens, with increased exposure to light (and therefore with a greater harvest).

We prevent the appearance of botrytis in the main cola, improving performance of secondary buds of medium size medium.

Against the low stress training method:

More likely to the appearance of pests / fungi cultures: having dense vegetation, we have to monitor and deal with prevention. (The fight with natural predators is highly recommended).

Chance of breaks when tiying and folding: we should use plant holders and monitor properly, to tie the branches where they can support the weight of flowers in the future.


LST applied marijuana



LST applied to marijuana




lst marijuana


Tips to apply Low Stress Training technique

Start bending the plant when it has 4-5 knots. Passing string width, not stifle, the upper part of the plant and pulling it to attach it to the pot. We spend another string for the trunk / land contrary to the main branch bent so it will not give in and stay straight on. As branches keep developing try to level them and continue bending them.

We put guardians in the defined branches that grow in the future, and will have to bear the weight of the buds and rain. Besides monitoring the junctions of the branches and trunk, and fix them well with pasta if scar suffer damage occurs, tie them together so they do not break.

We recommend prevent against powdery mildew, insects, spider mites and caterpillars. You can use chemical products during vegetative stage like fungicides or insecticides but be sure you just use organic products during bloom. With the emergence of so much vegetation mildew and insects could sprout easily.

Finally, the result will be short and highly branched plants with different defined branches loaded with good flowers. You will notice several hedges which will give you a more than acceptable yield, avoiding spying eyes due to large and tall central buds.

Regards from Santyerbasi, and good luck in your future crops!

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