Red spider mites is a common pest in growing marijuana indoors. It is often guilty of many of the problems suffered in the indoor cultivation. Individuals have eight legs and are identified as spiders that as insects, having 6 legs. These microscopic mites can be located on the underside of the leaves sucking fluids.

After their mating, each female spider can lay 100 eggs. The rapid proliferation of individuals can quickly end up with a plant and even entire crop leaving to shoot.If we want to prevent the appearance is very important to regularly check the condition of the plants in our garden.

What causes the appearance of Red Spider

Mites in general and particularly red spider are little friends from the cold and high humidity. If our culture suffers from high temperatures and very low humidity must take special care to not display a pest. Especially problematic is the hottest time of year (summer) where temperatures are higher than normal.

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Detection of Red Spider

A less experienced growers will find it more difficult to detect these tiny individuals who are usually hosted on the underside of leaves. But if we look closely, we can find samples of spider mite infestation in the form of small balls on the underside of the leaf (can be useful a microscope or magnifying glass, 30 ×).

In cases where the pest to be more advanced begins we see traces of red spider bites into the upper part of the leaf specks form of a yellowish-white. If you've found spots as described come quickly to grow and apply a systemic insecticide or biological. Allow unimpeded progress pests can only bring bad news.

Damage caused by Red Spider mites

The mites suck the lifeblood of plants causing stagnation and a general loss of vigor. The leaves are filled suction marks and yellowed due to lack of chlorophyll. Once the pest appears, proliferates very quickly. Red spider severe cases lead to death of the plant.

Removing Red Spider plague?

Before a spider mite infestation we place ourselves. There are two major ways to combat pests: Biological control and control by systemic products. If our plants are in growth stage (mother plants, cuttings, or plants without flowers) should spray with miticide.

There are many brands and products that perfectly eradicate the pest in several applications. If our plants are in bloom is organic acaricides important fact used to avoid damaging the flowers and trace products in them.

Organic products are softer (forcing us to apply more times) but leave no trace in marijuana offering security deadlines shorter before harvesting. In case of rain (outdoors), re-spray the plants as soon as possible to prolong the effect of the product.

Methodology for spraying acaricides

Fill the sprayer with water quality (ideally weak mineralization) and add the recommended product by manufacturer.

We are interested spray the plants (bottom-up and top-down) with a thin but consistent layer of the prepared mixture. When the spider mite, a pest eradication difficult, it is important to properly apply the product with an attendance of 3-5 days until the total disappearance of the plague. Since moisture is a factor that prevents the proliferation of red spider recommend applying the product late in the day outside and inside (using nocturnal hours for the product to persist in the plant).

* From Sant Yerbasi we recommend biological pest control for reliability and health.