Oxygenate nutrient solution (that we'll use to water the plants) favors nutrient assimilation and improve plants health. Oxygen is a spot of life for roots (specially in hydroponics and aeroponys).

In this article we will explain how to oxygenate irrigation water faster and easily. Avoid static water is recommendable to not suffering problems during growth.

Water needs to move to keep oxygenated and avoid pathogens. Growing indoors we should battle against circunstances, specially if we use tanks to conserve water. Avoid static water is important for a correct plants growth. Static waters can contain high levels of microbes that could be unhealthy.

How to avoid static water?

Years ago, jumps of water where useds to generate a fall, to keep water constant movement.

Actual growth systems, indoors and outdoors, use pumps to oxygenate nutrient solution stored in tanks. The oxygen flow coming from air pumps will be enough to avoid diseases, and give a continuous oxygen to roots.

What do I need to avoid static water?

Tools needed are 4:

1º: Air pump (if the tank is not too big with one outake is enough, if we have a 100l or bigger a 2 outakes air pump will be better).

2º: Airstone.

3º: Conection tube (air pump - airstone)

4º: Timer (recommended)

oxigenar agua cultivo cannabis

How long should we connect air pumps?

To grow in soil, coco substrate or hydroponics: Switched on as long as the light is on (15min on 15 min off in darkness)plagron-bat-guano-5l

Plagron Bat Guano 1l-5l

Bomba de Aire Atman AT CR 30

Atman AT CR 30 Air Pump

Bomba de aire Hailea V-20

Hailea V-20 Air Pump