Mildew or white mold is one of the most extended molds in the last decade. Marijuana is a likely plant for this kind of mold, that leaves a white snow cover all over the leafs, stems and flowers. Mold expands faster with high humidity conditions (indoors and outdoors) by spores.

How to prevent marijuana from mildew

Best way to not suffering because of mildew is to prevent weekly against mold. Many fungicides available against mildew that aplied weekly are able to prevent mildew appearance. there are many systemic fungicides (that can be applied during vegetation phase) that persist in plants during a certain time as agent against fungi. We can also use biological fungicides to prevent and control white mold. The major of these products work mixed with water and sprayed on plants (they create a thin film all over the plant unlikely for fungi).

*We recommend using biological control against pest during all cycle. We should act in 3 ways depending the phase plants are:

  1. If there is no mold: Apply fungicide Once per week.
  2. If there is few spots of mold: Apply fungicide 2 times per week.
  3. If there is a huge pest: Apply fungicide 3 times per week.

Infección de oidio

How does mildew propagate

Mildew, or white mold, propagates in high himidity climates. It can also reproduce easily if the weather suddenly changes to a dry condition after humidity. Wind decreases humidity (and increases spores spreading from plant to plant). With these expansion capacities we must take care working against mildew. Once we know our plants are infected it is important to:

  1. Apply fungicides as soon as possible until treatment responds.
  2. Once the treatment is aplied (with plants completely wet): Take the leafs (where the mildew persist) out.

*Special atention with mildew in greenhouses

How to erradicate mildew on marijuana

As we wrote before, mildew is a fungi is on the enviroment and can expand with high humidities. If we want to completely erradicate the mildew we must act with knowledge and care.

Indoors, as well as outdoors, humidity is usually higher at nighttime. We should take special atention in not promoting anything that makes humidity rise. It is interesting to spray the plants before the first raylights in the morning (as outdoor growers used to). Acting this way products will persist on plants without any mold risk.

Get rid of mildew on marijuana during vegetation phase

While marijuana plants are growing is so easy to get rid of mildew pests. Many fungicides exist with chemical origin (stronger power) that will erradicate mildew just with two spray actions.

Get rid of mildew on marijuana during flowering

The most common thing is to detect mildew in flowering phase. In this phase we should use biological products to battle against mildew keeping a healthy marijuana. These kind of products needs from more atention, and persistance to keep the plants free from mildew.

*There is no doubt that home remedy like clean the leafs won't do anything but fatigue growers that will need to repeat a fruitful process (mildew will persist). On the same way: If there is one plant affected by mildew, we should act in all plants to combat propagations.

Fungicides for marijuana