Ozone generators, using, can see diminished efficiency because of the high degree of dirt embedded in their valves. These impregnated in Pyrex particles significantly reduce the ability of these devices to generate ozone. This post, with description and step by step videos, and tries to show the correct way to remove the computer without undo the electrical connections from the factory.

We will proceed to disassemble a Steriltube King Ozone team. We must consider the ease of rupture of the various elements and therefore undertake all steps carefully to avoid damaging any components.

We have divided the process into 5 steps with a video detailing each real time. We hope this information is of quality for those owners of an Ozone generator Steriltube.

Step 1: Detach the stand Generator PVC barrel. For this step we need a screwdriver and a wrench. 1 proceed to disconnect the terminal connecting cord from the computer base. 2nd loosen the two screws holding the main body to the cylinder:



Step 2: Once we have an independent central unit proceed to separate the pyrex cylinder of metal mesh surrounding it. Special care with inner mesh. do not force but it costs a tad out. As we will see in the video the remains embedded in pyrex are easily visible. This team of ozone had worked nonstop for two crops together with a carbon filter CAN.


Step 3: Clean the valves. For this part we need to have an effective degreaser type KH-7 or Alcohol pharmacy. As you can see we prefer the KH-7 for the speed, alcohol forces you to rub more. The process is easy: Spray the inside and outside of the cylinder pyrex and wiping down careful not to break the tube. To the inside of a brush is recommended. If you do not have it we can thread the cloth a bit and helping a little, get completely clean the interior region. After washing it is best to rinse with water and dry with a clean cloth.


Step 4: Clean the metal mesh. Probably the simplest process. Dip a clean cloth with alcohol and gently rub the net.


Step 5: Reassembling. Once we have all the components clean is time to reassemble everything in place and function!