Marijuana indoors growers are an example of farmers who are always looking for an improvement that favours an increase of their crops quality. Thanks to this seek of an increased yield, and quality, growers, ask us about how to upgrade certain parameters of its gardens.

In this chapter we will write about characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of growing in hydroponics systems compared to soil or coco fybers. We hope these information will be useful for our readers, and also for those growers who like to test other techniques.

cannabis growing in soil

Marijuana growing in soil

Growing in soil is the oldest way of all methods used by men. Historically it's been the most used method for its good results, simplicity. A grower can vary the soil in composition (altering its characteristics), to adapt it to he's preferences during growth. So there are growers who like a softer soil (with increased coco fyber proportion), other ones who like to increase perlite proportion (improving the water retention and oxygenation), as other ones prefer to increase percentages of worm humus (known as a biological fertilizer that enriches soil life adding nutrients), or with bat guano (used to increase phosphorus and potassium reserves that will help both: root system and flower formation).

As major growers like to produce organic flowers, soil growing is one of the methods that presents more interest (by being the only one that guarantees a 100% satisfaction).

Growing marijuana plants in soil

When a grower wants to give he's plants the best substrate possible, it is recommendable to know each strain and the needings. That's why one plant on its early stages of growth will demand lower quanitities of nutrients than a bigger one with higher needings. Refferencing this point, it is much recommended to use soft soils (those wich contain less nutrients) to favour a quick adapt to its containers. A too fertilized soil, or hard soil, may slow down plant's growth and can even cause an overfertilize on them.

transplants and growth

Transplants and growth

Marijuana seeds usually need a 4-5 weeks grow period before switching to flowering phase. During this period , plants will show an exponential growth (bigger the plant is, more it grows), while they arrive to a maturity (moment when plants are ready to start flowering). A very extended technique inbetween growers worldwide is transplanting. This technique is usually used since early stages during growing phase, until the moment the plants are switched to flower phase. For example, we could use a small size pots (half liter) for the first 10-15 days, later on transplant them to a bigger one (2 liters could be a great option) during the next growing phase for 10-15 days more). Once this time has passed ( and having a certain size) we could transplant again, now to its deffinitive pot with bigger capacity (indoors the most used ones are those from 5 liters up to 7 liters). In the same way we are increasing the pot's size it is recommendable to change to a more fertilized soil that feeds enough our bigger plants.

Following these steps, grower can save fertilizing plants because every new pot is filled with fresh soil full of ready to uptake nutrients:

  • It has more space to let the root system grow.
  • Has fresh nutrients ready to be eat by plants.

At the moment plants are switched of photoperiod to 12h/12h (to begin flowering stage) it is recommendable not to transplant more, because they will stop developing its roots, and they won't use much of the new soil given. Experienced growers, knowing this situation could use this process to keep shorter plants (plants will keep the same size for few days as they are addapting to the new pot). Transplanting, growers, get more nutrients ready to feed their plants for a while, with a compact plant size compared to changing its pot days before switching to 12h/12h. Compact plant may help in getting bigger flowers due to a better incidence of light on them.

marijuana ph values

Substrat pH used for growing marijuana

Marijuana soil usually has a balanced pH value close to 6,5. This value offers plants a total availability to absorb content nutrients. We like to remember that soil pH is fundamental for the evolution of young plants on it. A too acid pH value, or too basic, may slow down growth and can even cause death. A high quality substrate should guarantee a balanced mix that asures an stable pH during the first days (substrate pH may vary depending on the pH of the water used to feed the plants). Due to this pH fluctuation it is so important to control the pH of the water used to feed plants. A mistaken pH value forces the plant to work on the process to transform this pH in an absorbable one, so plants will need more time to process everything given. Also an unbalanced pH value may cause defficiences derived from the incapacity of absorbing certain elements. At this point we should notice that, due to plant's needings during each stage may be recommendable to use a more acid pH value during growing phase ( a pH close to 6 helps absorbing Nitrogen), and rise it slowly as the plants advance to the flowering stage (a pH value close to 6,2-6,5 favours a better uptake of nutrients like phosphorus and potassium, two important elements during flowering formation).

marijuana growing in coco

Growing marijuana in coco fyber

Coco fuber is an inert substrate and so light (it is common to use it to improve soil's absortion capacity). As it is an inert substrate (there is no life on it), one of the main characteristics is that should be fertilized since the first feeding. Coco substrate is considered by most growers as something  in-between soil and hydroponics, because as it happens in hydroponic systems, growers need to pay special attention to their plants, that need this care compared to a fertilized substrate. Techniques used, commented previously, are also valid in this media. PH values of the water used are usually a bit lower than the ones used in soil due to coco's pH value.

Growers that like this substrate like it for its plant's increased feeding control capacity compared to plants grown in soil. These extra control may be a benefit, in the propoer hands, thanks it offers to our garden only those nutrients that plants need in a certain stage.

Nutrients for growing marijuana in coco fyber

As coco is an inert substrate, grower should add nutrients since the first day. Those nutrients could have a biological or chemical origin, depending on the likes of each grower, and also on the method used to feed plants. While those manual feed growers could choose type of fertilizers and boosters, those who use a dripper system probably should choose the chemical ones. The usage of this type of fertilizers is justified by some reasons:

  • Chemical fertilizer could be prepared and stored for a while in a tank (that will feed the plants for the next days), something the biological fertilizer wont be able to do due to its tendency to separate from water (after few hours they tend to separate as oil and water do). Also biological fertilizers are algae and pest friendly due to its composition.
  • Bilogical fertilizers could present more difficulties to growers, that should maintain a daily look at the drippers (biological products tend to accumulate residues and often happens that residues totally colapse the dripper). This daily job must be done or some plants could suffer a malfucntioning and die.

Another key factor that usually affects growers in coco fyber are micro-nutrients (nutrients consumed in minor quantity than macr-nutrients, but with the same important needings). Again, as coco is an inert susbtrate, there is no life on it, so there is a total defficiency of these elements on the susbtrate. Grower should assure that fertilizers contain enough micro-nutrients, as well as macro-nutrients, to assure a nice evolution of plants. At this point we like to notice that specific fertilizers for coco fyber growth usually are named as Two-part or A+B, where one of its parts contains macro-nutrients and the other micro-nutrients, that should be combined (never directly, allways mixing them in water) to get a nutrient solution rich on each one of the elemental elements.

hydroponic systems growing marijuana

Flushing roots in coco fyber

Cleaning the root system is a key factor growing marijuana to get high quality flowers, without traces of fertilizing products that could affect taste, flavours and effects. In this chapter, it is highly important when fertilizers used are chemical origin (the most used ones by growers on this media). Chemical fertilizers, with a quicker uptake qualities, also have a longer duration in plants. That's why is so important to establish flushing periods of the same, or longer, duration ( we recommend a minimum of 15 days to assure an efficient flushing). There are products specially developed to make this process occurs faster. These kind of products could help coco growers (as well as hydroponic growers) to save some days flushing plants because they help to decomposition nutrients on substrate quicker.

growing in hydroponics

Growing marijuana in hydroponic systems

In hydroponics systems, where plants grow, without any substrate, thanks to a constant flow of water. In these systems, evolutioned from volcano substrates where plants grow naturally in soild with water flowing, are so fast, specially during growing phase, because roots don't have any resistance that slows its growth. In the same way that occurs with coco fyber, hydroponic system's susbstrate has no life on it.  That's why should exist a nutritional balance on every plant's stage. As there isn't any cushioner media, it is important to control every day (and maybe twice a day) salt quantities on water (known by E.C. or electroconductivity of water, expressed in PPM or in mS/cm).

Hydroponic systems growing marijuana

Hydroponic systems are a ressource used by growers worldwide. Its main benefit is faster growth, major sustainability (it doesn't waste water because it's in constant recirculation) and (in experienced hands) increases yield. These characteristics make hydroponics a common used system not only by marijuana growers, but growing other plants under HPS lights.

Hydroonic systems are a complex systems where, using a pump, the nutrients solution is constantly flushed to plants, from a water tank and then capturing all the undrunk water to the tank again. This constant circulation allows growers to increase, and also reduce, salt quantities almost every instant (guaranting the total control over plant's feeding). This control should be exhaustive, if not plant may suffer it showing lower crops and even a ruining yield.

Water quality: pH and EC

If water's quality is important, working in other substrates,  in hydroponic system these parameters take a extremely relevant part. Plants will grow in this media, and will take nutrients directly from it, so it is very important that water is from the best quality possible. For this reason, we consider it is fundamental to use water treatment filters (osmosis filters) so we get an unsalted water to then add as much nutrients as needed. Osmosis filters are the only way to get water with low enough levels of nutrients (almost nule, similar to destilated water). This water guarantees that, once the mix is prepared, it will only content nutrients the grower has add (making it easily in cases of overfertilization or defficiencies).

Working with osmoted water it is recommendable to add 0,2 EC of Calcium and then 0,2 EC from Magnesium, before adding the rest of nutrients in every stage:

  • Recommended E.C. for plants on first week of growing phase: E.C.= 0,6-0,7 uS/cm
  • Recommended E.C. for plants on second week of growing phase: E.C.= 0,7-0,8 uS/cm
  • Recommended E.C. for plants on third week of growing phase: E.C.= 0,8-1 uS/cm

Advantages and disadvantages growing in soil, coco fyber and hydroponic systems

Advantages growing in soil

Main advantages growing marijuana in soil are:

  • Easiest way to grow.
  • It forgive possible errors from grower
  • Soil has nutrients on its mix directly uptaken by plants
  • 100% organic grow (using BIO fertilizers)
  • Is the cheapest way to start growing indoors

Disadvantages growing in soil

Main disadvantages growing marijuana in soil are:

  • Lot of water is wasted (containing expensive nutrients)
  • More dirty growing spaces (do to substrate movement)
  • Less control over plant's exact feeding

Advantages growing in coco fyber

Main advantages of growing marijuana in coco fyber are:

  • Increased control over plant's feeding
  • Plants uptake more nutrient solution
  • Quicker grow (lighter substrate)

Disadvantages growing in coco fyber

Main disadvantages growing marijuana in coco fyber are:

  • Inerte substrate(more difficulty for beginner growers)
  • Recommendable to use chemical fertilizers and boosters (biological offer more problems)
  • Requirs more atention by grower (and more knowledge)

Advantages growing in hydroponic systems

Main advantages growing marijuana in hydroponic systems are:

  • Faster growth
  • More abundant flowering
  • More efficient water consumption
  • The system has more autonomy
  • Cleaner system
  • Possible to re-use the substrate

Disadvantages growing in hydroponic systems

Main disadvantages growing marijuana in hydroponic systems are:

  • A daily must control of plant's water parameters (E.C. and pH values)
  • Major technification of growing room (water pumps, timers ...)
  • Totally chemical system media
  • Water temperature should allways be 21ºC (upper and lower may cause problems)
  • Facility for pests to conquer substrate and ruin the crop
  • Plant's size (bigger plants need screens or tips to hold'em due to a no-substrate.

Conclusions about type to substrate to use growing marijuana indoors

As we are knowers of the different substrates where to grow marijuana, being growed in all of them many times, our experience tells us that every grower has its substrate. Those lazy growers, or the ones that prefer not to become an slave from their garden should grow marijuana in soil. All those who like the benefits of hydroponics, but do not have experience or budget, should try growing marijuana in coco fyber. For last but not least, growers who have all the time in the world, the necessary budget and like to quicker changes on their plants, should try hydroponics.

If we talk about quality, our tip is to grow marijuana in soil, because this substrate gives plants a taste, odour and quality uncomparable to other substrates.

If we are lokking for a good relation between easy to grow and yields per crop, we specially recommend growing marijuana in coco fyber.

If what is important in our crop is volume and weight of our harvest, it takes sense to apply an extra efford and grow marijuana in hydroponic systems

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