Marijuana growing indoors has suffered a revolution during the last years, thing that has become in many products available for growth. In many cases, growers trend to come to our shops asking about benefits of CO2 use in their growing gardens. Nowadays many products exist, with wide range of technology use, that goes from most simply CO2 generators to those most expensive with improved technology and accuracy.
In this chapter we will write about characteristics, for and against, of each one and recommended methods for each CO2 system.
Plants are able to produce thir own feedings using a chemical process called photosynhtesis. To proceed in this activity , plants have a green pigment called chlorofil that absorbs the necessary light to switch this process.
What is photosynthesis?
Is the process that transforms the energy of the light into chemical. In resume, it consists in the processing of sugars from CO2 (carbon dioxide), minerals and water, using the solar ligth.
Oxygen formed by reaction between CO2 and water, is expelled from plant through stomas in the leaves, while carbohydrate are used by the plant.
What benefits do you get by using CO2 in your garden
Increasing Co2 ppm in the air we are helping the plants to produce major quantities of carbohydrates, translated in larger and heavier crops. Thanksto a higher concentration of CO2, plants work in a higher level their phosytesis function, what allows them to get a better yield in less time. It is demonstrated that higher concentrations of CO2 influence positive during growth (growing faster) and during flowering (producing heavier yields).
CO2 generator systems
Natural CO2 generators:
Buddy CO2 generator: Buddy are bags that contain an organic mass that produces CO2 in a continuous way. Thought for grow tents and small rooms. Grower just needs to handle it and let it works during growing phase and flowering phase. No electricity needed.
Exhale bags CO2 generator: As Buddy, Exhale bags contain an organic mass that produces CO2 continuously, and balanced over the plants. With a useful life of about 6 to 8 weeks growers can benefit from extra CO2 during flowering.
CO2 Booster: CO2 Boost works with an air pump that extracts CO2 and releases into the enviroment. Can be programed for a more efficient use during the light period (while the plants absorb CO2). Need electricity to work and is able to rise the concentration of CO2 of the grow-room up tp 500ppm.
Digital CO2 generators
Digital controllers offer the capacity of acurate control (and in real time) of the CO2 ppm in the enviroment of the grow-room. These complete equipments work with a CO2 measurer that allow the grower pre-set values to work in-between. Are the perfect tool to extract up to 30% more yield per crop. These CO2 systems require a CO2 generator wich is controlled to reach the desired values of CO2 ppm. From Sant Yerbasi we specially recommend the usage of one of these two Co2 controllers (both adaptable to Hotbox CO2 generator):
There are CO2 generators that work using butane gas, and others that work with propane gas. After our tests and informations, we can afirm that is better to use butane gas ( more efficient than propane). CO2 generators for sale at Sant Yerbasi Grow Shop are butane gas version, if you are still interested in those that use propane you can contact us about availability.