Growing marijuana outdoors is subject to some peculiarities that can determine a difference between a huge harvest or reduced. In this chapter we discuss the various pots available for growing marijuana and what is the best choice for outdoor growing. We will present our experience with it to minimize, as much as possible, the headaches to beginner growers.

Types of pots for growth

There are different types of pots available for growers:En materia de macetas para cultivo, existen materiales diversos a disposición de los cultivadores:

Square Plastic

Square Plastic

Pots round white

Round plastic

Pots Forexpan



They are usually square, made in black plastic with thin walls. We can find square plastic pots of all sizes. Pots for seedlings or small seedlings, potted 1 liter, 2 liter, 3 liter, 4 liters, 5 liters 7 liters ... There are also round plastic pots 10l, 12l, 20l, 40l and 70 liters for keeping mother plants or large plants outdoors.

The ceramic pots could be a great ally for the quality of the material and resistance to sunlight, but discourage its use by weight and fragility (very delicate, heavy and uncomfortable for transplants). Discarting ceramics as a pot, if we have them (and they have a considerable size), may be of help if you want to create a "shell" to curb the impact of the sun on our plastic pot. Simply place the pots inside the ceramic.

The polystyrene pots are a highly recommended as outdoor growing alternative. The polystyrene is inert insulating material which, by its qualities can help tremendously. It is much more resistant to aggressive sun. Compared to plastic pots same volume and same plant size, differences in mean daily watering of more than 1.5 liters per adult plant difference. Their size usually 30l, but you can get them together and in larger sizes if necessary.

Recommended Pots for outdoor growing

Outdoors we should use white round pots with a thickness more obvious to the naked eye and touch. Color is an important aspect as it attracts less light. If we combine the white and thicker than those typical indoor pots, we'll found the solution to many problems. Especially when the plants are small and still to be developed.

Growing marijuana outdoors in warm soils

In outdoor growing, where it is customary to transplant, one of the usual teething problems is the "cooking" of the roots by the sun on the pot (containing moist soil that warms easily). Worth is careful with the roots, and is especially important for growers in terraces (or floors that become very hot during the day). Under these conditions of heat, small black pots (yoghurt type) are the most penalized. When warm soil, moist soil and a seedling, the combination is lethal. The roots are baked literally inside the pot can reach the plant die. It would be best to use pots or white polystyrene minimum size 7l, 10l.
Pots for outdoor autoflowering seeds

In Autoflowering seeds, 2nd and 3rd generation are usually larger than their predecessors. For this generation with larger growth we recommend using a maximum of 20 liters to get the best results.

Those autoflowering varieties faster or smaller autoflowering will benefit using 10l-12l pots. The use of such large pots not promote stronger growth and higher production.
In both cases it is advisable to use white pots round. The structure that generates round potted plant offers benefits in outdoor cultivation.