Easy2Propagate Autopot

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Easy2Propagate Autopot-Complete Kit

The Autopot Easy2Propagate is a system to get clones rooted as easy as possible. Easy 2 Propagate Autopot is a complete set that automatically irrigates your cuttings and seedlings. Thanks to its tank, and to AquaValve valve, the systems works alone, with no need of pumps nor electricity, getting amazing results for lowest efford.

Easy2Propagate complete kit is a perfect system to take care of small plants and seedlings, besides being great for cutting propagation.

Every Easy2Propagate complete set includes a tray, a lid, a 25L flexitank, a 16mm>6mm converter that also wors as filter, 1 AquaValve (including plastic cover), 1,5 meter pipe, 2 coco Matting 580mm x 510mm x 300mm, and a Root Control 1160mm x 510mm.

This system works thanks to fuse two basic concepts: Keeping high humidities (a must for propagation), and a source of water (restricted by AquaValve) stored in the tank.

Easy2Propagate is available in different configurations to bring more versatility to growers:

Easy2Propagate Lid: Includes easy2Propagate lid with 4 fitted vents (matches with Garland Giant Plus tray).

Easy2Propagate Basic Kit: Includes easy2Propagate lid with 4 fitted vents, 1 garland Giant Plus, 2 Coco Matting 580mm x 510mm x 300mm. and 1 Root Control 1160mm x 510mm.

Easy2Propagate Extension Kit: Includes easy2Propagate lid with 4 fitted vents, 1 AquaValve (with cover), 1m 6mm pipe, 1 T connector 6mm, 1 Garland Giant Plus, 2 Coco Matting 510mm x 300mm and 1 Root Control 1160mm x 510mm.

Easy2Propagate Complete Kit: Includes easy2Propagate lid with 4 fitted vents, 1 Flexitank 25L, 1 Filter adapter 16mm>6mm, 1 AquaValve (with cover), 1,5m pipe 6mm, 1 Garland Giant Plus, 2 Coco Matting 580mm x 510mm x 300mm and 1 Root Control 1160mm x 510mm.

How to set up Easy2Propagate

Fully submerge the CocoMat in water for a minimum of 2 hours (ideally a maximum of 24h)

Submerge the root control sheet in water for 30 minutes.

Remove protective film from Easy2Propagate lid.

Connect AquaValve to the Flexitank.

Place the cuttings.

Cover with the lid to keep perfect humidity and temperature.

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