7th Wave

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7th Wave-1 seed
7th Wave-3 seeds
7th Wave-5 seeds

7th Wave seeds from Super Strains seedbank are a feminized marijuana strain, type indica, with an euphoric effect more common in a sativa plant. 7th Wave marijuana plants have a slow growing, but resistant, with a heavy yield, and a flowering time of 60 days, what makes her a great choice for outdoor growing, and also for indoor growing.

7th Wave cannabis are a genetic with slowly growing developement, compared with other sativa hybrids, but this only means that those growers who want to get big individuals will need to germinate these seeds at the begining of the outdoor season.

In normal conditions, 7th Wave is a short and bushy plant, that usually is ready to harvest outdoors in Early September, with a very high yields, of high quality flowers. 7th Wave's effect is type sativa, without the psycoactive effect, what makes her a very pleasant and relaxing smoke, ideal to meditate and look arround.

7th Wave characteristics

Sex: Feminized.

Genotype: Indica.

Yields: High.

Flowering time: 60 days.

Harvest outdoors: Early September.

Effect: Creative.

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