1 Component Soil Grow
BAC 1 Component Soil Grow is a growing stage fertilizer for plants grown in soil. The 1 Component Soil Grow B.A.C. formula brings all consumed nutrients by plants along vegetative stage, so these can develope vigorous and healthy. The use of Soil Grow BAC in growing stage prepares plants for an explosive growth, what derives improves yields per crop.
BAC 1 Component Soil fertilizing products are an ideal base-nutrient for growing plants in soil. These nutrients are designed to bring in all essential elements and minerals for a healthy and powerful growth in soil, being a formula adjusted to get highest performance from this growing medium, for the less efford.1 Component Soil Grow contains macro and micro nutrients, which combined with the use of a root booster like Rootstimulator (along first weeks of vegetative stage) will help our plants to get the desired size and strength to start flowering quickly.
BAC 1 COmponent Soil Grow is a concentrated fertilizer, so it is important to check EC and pH levels of your nutrient solution to avoid any kind of nutrient-lock that may occur. Our tip for plants in vegetative stage if keep a pH of 5,8-6,0 and an EC of 0,6-08 mS.
BAC 1 Component Soil Grow
Type: Growing stage fertilizer.
Origin: Synthetic.
NPK: 17-22-24.
Use: Along vegetative stage of plants, and also the first 2 weeks of blooming phase.
Dose: Add Soil Grow until reaching an EC 0,6-0,8.
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